Chapter 30

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The days dragged on and Team 7 had barely made it to the tower. The reason was that Kabuto had come to their aid and had gotten hold of the second scroll together with them. However, they had to get through a strong genjutsu, which was no longer a problem thanks to Naruto's shadow doppelganger. In the tower itself, they had finally found out that they had to open the scrolls together. Since Iruka had appeared and congratulated them, they had been spot on with this assumption.

The participants had lined up in the middle of the room and looked at the Jonin and the Hokage. He thought that there were too many participants and that there would therefore be a preliminary test before the third would start. No one had expected so many genin to be here.

The chance to give up now was offered by the examiner. The only one who accepted this offer was Kabuto. His excuse was that he could barely hear out of his left ear and therefore couldn't do much. Nobody knew whether this was true or not. Why did he give up again? Kabuto had been taking part in this test for years.

"Sasuke, please." Sakura asked, standing behind him. She didn't want him to take part in the curse. She recognized the pain in his neck. He could never hide this. Especially not in front of the jonin. Actually, Hinari would have agreed with the Haruno, but she knew that Sasuke wouldn't listen. Some Uchiha were just too stubborn. Sakura asked her comrade again and wanted to raise her hand, which was stopped by him.

Naruto had noticed and looked at the two of them. "Why don't you realize that she's worried?" he asked slightly irritated, which made Sasuke look at him with a grin. "I want to fight you, too." Hinari could only shake her head, which was noticed by Shikamaru, who was standing nearby. What was going on with them again?

Before the Hokage started the exam, the names of the participants lit up on the board, which immediately disappeared again and the random principle started. The genin looked eagerly at the board until they saw two names. "Hinari, you're up first." Sakura whispered to her. The Uchiha nodded gratefully. "Against whom?" "Against that ninja from Otogakure we met." , the pink-haired girl replied. Inwardly, Hinari hoped that it wasn't that sound ninja.

"Well then, everything may be used but no one may be killed. The fight continues until someone is on the ground, gives up or I end the fight." explained the examiner, causing Hinari to nod. The Otoninja knew that Hinari had the Sharingan and was already prepared for it. However, he wondered why she didn't activate it.

He quickly pulled out his kunais and threw them at the girl, who dodged them. The ninja attacked again and again until he was sure that the Uchiha had finally shown her Sharingan. Everyone should know that she had it and could see with it. Yes, he had already noticed in the forest that her eyes were a dull color. Nevertheless, Hinari skillfully dodged the kunais, the sounds and his movements giving him away. "Jutsu of the flaming fireball!" Hinari shouted when he stopped moving for a moment and she wanted to take the chance.

The huge fireball shot towards him and it was difficult for him to dodge. Her fireball was bigger than the ones he knew. This was evident in the fact that his clothes burned easily. "Shit, where is she?" he asked quietly when she was no longer in front of him. Shortly afterwards, he flinched as he noticed something behind him and glanced over his shoulder. Her fist raced towards him and flung him to the other side of the fighting area. Hinari had gathered so much chakra in her fist that her opponent crashed into the wall and created a hole.

Coughing slightly, the Otoninja stood up, causing Hinari to get back into a fighting stance. She first had to collect herself before launching an attack. Laughing, the ninja looked at his opponent and wiped the blood from his lip. "I underestimated you, Uchiha. Didn't think you could fight like that with your blindness."

Hinari heard several noises from the other participants. They sounded surprised and shocked. Now they all knew that she was actually blind. "Tell me, how do you know where I am?" he asked curiously. "Your chakra and your movements tell me." she replied monotonously. Hinari didn't want to reveal too much about herself. Grinning slightly, the ninja looked at the Uchiha, suppressed his chakra and tried to approach her as quietly as possible.

No matter how hard Hinari concentrated, she only managed to hear his breathing slightly. Even when Naruto shouted at her and Kakashi put his hand over her mouth, she couldn't find the ninja. Unfortunately, the chakra she poured onto the ground no longer helped her, so for better or worse she had to use something else. Her fingers formed new finger signs, which looked far too familiar to Kakashi. He didn't know when she had copied his jutsu, but she could never use it now.

Hinari concentrated even more and just before her, a chakra emerged from the ground. She took a step back, directed the chakra into her eyes to open them immediately and looked into his shocked eyes as she lashed out with the chidori. The only thing he could see were her red eyes before he was thrown back and the lightning bolts shot through his body like an electric shock.

"Hinari Uchiha has won the fight!" shouted the examiner, causing Hinari to deactivate her Sharingan immediately. As if nothing had happened, she looked up at her team and smiled.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now