Chapter 67

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Almost two days had passed since Naruto disappeared with the toads. Thanks to the flirting paradise that Kakashi always read, Shikamaru was able to solve the puzzle of the numbers. Naruto, who had recognized the number nine as the Ri sign, was also a great help. Now that everyone knew that Jiraiya had figured out that none of the six Pains was the right one, everyone had prepared for a fight. But the most important thing was that nobody was allowed to tell anyone where Naruto was. His training with the Toads was important to keep Jiraiya in honor.

On the third day, Hinari stayed in her apartment. As she often did, she had trained late into the night, which her body was beginning to notice. So the Uchiha decided to take it easy. She did what others would do.

After a warm shower, which left her smelling of sweet cherries again, Hinari changed into her usual combat gear. She would actually like to wear something normal, but nobody knew when Pain would attack. Nothing was known yet, so Hinari preferred to remain cautious.

To pass the time, Hinari had turned the whole apartment upside down. She mopped the floor, tidied the rooms and took care of the plants, which had visibly suffered. She had especially tidied Sasuke's room like a treasure. Although it hadn't been used for a long time, she didn't want the dirt to accumulate here. After all, Sasuke would be back at some point.

The Uchiha was so in her element that she didn't notice the screams in the alleyways. Only when explosions could be heard did Hinari open her eyes. As quickly as she could, she ran into the living room to look out of the window. Several clouds of smoke could be seen, as well as fire engulfing the houses. Why hadn't she noticed! How long had they been under attack and why hadn't anyone come for them?

As quickly as Hinari could, she grabbed her katana and tied it to her back. A quick glance out of the window told her that it was worse than she thought. A short shadow flitted into the apartment, which looked like a person. Hinari looked towards the sun and widened her eyes as a man hovered in the sky. "What the..." she breathed softly and turned her back to the window. Just as Hinari was about to leave her apartment, she was hit by a huge shockwave that knocked her and her apartment to the ground.

The whole village lay in ruins while Pain looked down at the survivors. Naruto would have to show up here soon when he found out what had happened. Tsunade's slugs managed to prevent the worst, but this had taken all their energy, which was why Tsunade fell into a coma.

Breathing heavily, the Konoha ninjas sat on the floor of the destroyed Konoha. Tears ran down the cheeks of some while others gritted their teeth in pain. This Pain really had no feelings at all.

Sakura looked around and opened her eyes. "Where's Hinari!" she shouted and was looked at by her friends. No one had seen the Uchiha yet. "I haven't seen her yet today." Ino confessed, at which Shikamaru quickly stood up and hissed. His ankle throbbed and slumped slightly.

"Shikamaru, you have to take it easy!" Ino shouted, but the Nara shook his head. "No, I... I have to find Hinari..." he gasped and stood up again. He simply had to find Hinari. "But..." "No Ino!" he interrupted his comrade. "She's with us and if she's in danger anywhere, I'll go to her!"

The Yamakana's eyes widened. She had never heard Shikamaru talk like that before. Even though he often didn't feel like it, he still gave his all for his friends. But she had never heard him say what he had just said. He really loved Hinari.

Shikamaru limped away from the other shinobi. He hadn't even noticed how Naruto had shown up and was now facing off against Pain. He simply had to find his girlfriend! The Nara limped through the rubble, hoping to catch sight of his girlfriend somewhere. How he wanted to have her chakra ability now.

"Hinari!" he called out again and again as he occasionally stumbled over pieces of stone or wood. No matter where he looked, all he saw were stones and the remains of houses. Although everything was destroyed, he knew where the alley of their home was. "Hinari!" he shouted again and gasped. The pain in his ankle was not getting any less. "Please..." he breathed and kept running. He couldn't lose her too. Hinari was his support when Asuma died. He simply couldn't lose her!

"Hina..." He wanted to call her name again and heard a noise nearby that made him prick up his ears. He quickly pulled out his kunai and looked at the remains of a house. Red chakra formed underneath, making the Nara swallow. What the hell was that?

 His eyes fixed on the figure made of bones and widened when he recognized a person in the skeleton. He dropped his kunai on the ground and ran as fast as he could towards the Uchiha, who fell into his arms, breathing heavily. "Hinari!" he cried in relief and hugged her tightly to his chest. "That hurt..." the Uchiha murmured softly. She was able to activate her Susanoo at the very last moment before she was completely buried.

But her gaze turned sad as she looked at the house. Tears flowed from her eyes as she realized that she had lost all that was left of her clan and Sasuke. Her heart ached as she began to cry. "I'm here for you..." whispered Shikamaru, who knew exactly what was going on inside his girlfriend. Every resident had lost their house, their apartment. Memories that could not simply be brought back.

But many families had been rescued and brought to safety. But it was much worse for Hinari. Everything she had of her family was in this apartment, which lay destroyed before them. Shikamaru gritted his teeth as he stroked his girlfriend's tangled hair, comforting her. Why did she always have to lose everything?

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