Chapter 85

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Nothing but blackness could be seen, not a single sound could be heard. Not even an odor could be detected. There were no feelings to be recognized or felt either, which made everything even more unusual. But the person knew one thing for sure. They were in a place where it was difficult to get out. The person knew what had happened, what the name was and yet everything else was blown away.

The mouth moved, but there was no sound. The head tilted in several directions only to see more blackness. What kind of place was this?

The person tried several times to move, to find a way out of here. But nothing happened. Actually, you would panic now, which didn't happen here. Was there even such a thing as feelings here?

They opened their mouths again to say something, but for the second time nothing happened. What was going on here? We squeezed our eyes tightly shut to open them again. Once again, nothing could be seen. Willing something to happen, the person breathed out quietly and gave everything to move away. And as much as they wanted to, their legs moved. Where they didn't know.

As soon as the person was able to move, they started running. No matter which way they went, there was no way out. Slowly, the person sank to their knees and realized that they were now trapped here. Inwardly, the person begged for help. Someone had to be able to help. "Please...someone..." came out of their mouth strained. The voice was full of desperation and yet nothing could be heard but the person's own breathing.

"Hey you, come closer." came a voice and the person's head lifted. "Yes, you, come closer." Without thinking and doubting, the person stood up to walk towards the voice. As the foot stepped over a dark line, a bright light appeared and the eyes quickly closed. "Look at me." came the strange voice, causing the person to open their eyes again. "Who are you?"

Silently, the stranger looked into the eyes of his counterpart. "Who do you think I am?" There was no answer for a long time. How would he know something like that? "I...ehm..." "Do you even know who you are?" the stranger asked.

The person was briefly confused and looked at the ground in front of them. Before, they knew the name. But now? What was it again? "I am Hagoromo Ootsutsuki, the son of Kaguya Ootsutsuki, who is now fighting against your friends and putting the others into an eternal genjutsu."

"Genjutsu..." the person stammered, rubbing his head. Something stirred in his thoughts and memories. " I dead?"

"No, you're not dead yet. You just have no more chakra and are in a different timeline. I can't tell you how you got here." Hagoromo explained and looked into the black eyes. "Take a good look at yourself." he asked his counterpart, who was briefly confused and looked from him back to the ground. Instead of seeing earth, she now saw a small puddle, the water moving gently and making small waves.

The hand slowly rose to place it on her cheek. The person thought she was beautiful and looked at every angle of herself. Black eyes, black long hair, which belonged to a flawless face. " me..." the young woman murmured and slowly sank to her knees to take a closer look at herself. "But...who am I again..."

Hagoromo looked at the young woman. "What do you remember?" he asked her. "I...I don't know..." the black-haired woman stammered and continued to look at herself. Why could she suddenly not remember? "You said friends. What friends?"

 The Ootsutsuki now realized what had happened to her. The flames and the impact with the ground must have hit her head pretty hard. As much as he had realized, she could no longer see anything before she got here. She had used up all her chakra. She had to remember before he sent her back.

"Does the name Naruto Uzumaki or Sasuke Uchiha mean anything to you? I've met them too." Hagoromo began to tell her. "Naruto...Sasuke..." the young woman repeated, feeling a stinging sensation in her head. Where did she know these names from, but where from?

Tears flowed down her cheeks. Why couldn't she remember, even though she knew everything a few minutes ago? Hagoromo saw how hard the young woman was trying. "You look very much like a young man."

The young woman looked up questioningly. "A man?" she asked, looking at the puddle in front of her again. Who did she look like? She didn't know anyone. The more she looked at her reflection, she realized that it had changed. Instead of her face, there was now a different one. Short black hair, the same dark eyes looking back at her. A smile formed on his face before his mouth opened. "Remember my little sunshine."

The young woman's eyes widened as a sharp pain shot through her head. She pressed her hands as hard as she could on her head. "Stop it!" she shouted as she heard several voices.

She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and began to cry in pain. "Stop it..." she begged, but the voices didn't stop. Hagoromo looked at her and waited until she had calmed herself down. She had to remember herself now and come to terms with it. Her brother was only a help to her.

The longer the young woman listened to the voices, the more memories she got back. She relived all of her 16 years, right up to the point where she closed her eyes. Breathing heavily, the young woman leaned forward. Her body trembled as she cried. How could she have forgotten all that?

"I'll ask you again. Do you know who you are?" Hagoromo asked her again and now looked into her black eyes, which looked at him with determination.

"I am Hinari Uchiha, the sister of Shisui Uchiha, who wants to bring peace!"

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