Chapter 66

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Back in Konoha, everyone had reported back and Hinari didn't have much to say. Although Tsunade had asked her about Itachi, the Uchiha hadn't mentioned anything. She couldn't. The grief for him was still far too great, as was the loss of Sasuke, which she couldn't prevent. This masked man had used a jutsu that she didn't know. Nevertheless, she couldn't shake the feeling that he had something to do with the massacre.

Hinari had spent the following days training. Ever since she had received her brother's katana, she had made it her mission to be able to wield it. Even if she would never become good at it, she wanted to carry this katana with dignity. Since Naruto certainly had Shisui's eye, this was the last thing Hinari had of her beloved brother.

Unfortunately, she had learned one afternoon that Jiraiya had died. A toad had reported this, which was why Naruto was walking around almost lifeless. He missed the Sannin, which Hinari could understand. And she wasn't the only one. Her friend had lost Asuma and was probably the only person who could help the Uzumaki now. Both had lost their sensei, which Hinari wouldn't wish on anyone. It hurt her and yet the pain was not great for her. Instead, she had another pain that would probably never really go away.

To take her mind off the current situation and Shikamaru had no time at the moment as he was busy with Naruto and Jiraiya's numbers, Hinari ran through the forest not far away. With flowers in her hands, she walked straight towards the cliff that she had avoided for years. Ever since she knew Itachi's memory, she had never dared to come here. And although it was painful for Hinari, she had to go here.

Silently, Hinari looked at the edge of the cliff before sinking to her knees and letting her tears flow freely. She placed the flowers in front of her and curled her fingers into the grass as her tears dripped down onto the white lilies. "Why...why did you leave me?" she asked. Hinari blinked several times to lose the blurred vision, failing miserably. Her tears made it impossible for the Uchiha.

"I would give anything to have you come back to me! I...I would even give my sight to give you eyes again! I...I just want you back! Why did you have to die!" she cried under her grief. But that wasn't enough for her. "Why did you leave us alone! Sasuke, Itachi and me! Why couldn't you stay with us!"

At that moment, Hinari was glad that no one was here but her. That the cliff was not close to Konoha. She didn't want to see anyone here, no one who saw her sadness and weakness. "Please...come back to me..." she begged softly as her fingers clawed even more into the grass. " still took Itachi from me now..." she breathed and began to shed several more tears.

In her mind's eye, the scene of Shisui jumping down the cliff played over and over again. Again and again, Hinari had to watch as he spoke to Itachi, smiled and finally died. Her heart kept bursting and in all this time, she only had one person to help her back to her feet. Sasuke Uchiha.

But this idiot was simply not with her. Why was he so addicted to hatred? Why couldn't he get his strength here in Konoha?

If he had stayed here, Hinari could have stopped him from killing Itachi. But no matter how often she thought about it, she knew that Sasuke hadn't killed him. Itachi's illness had already caught up with him. But Tsunade could certainly have helped him. Hinari went through every thought and kept coming back to the fact that nothing would have helped. No matter what and how it would have happened, Hinari would not have been able to bring her brother back.

"I..." Hinari began to speak and reached for the lilies. Her head lifted as her eyes looked down the cliff. Hinari would never forget Shisui's words, which he had passed on to Itachi. Her goal was to bring peace, no matter how hard things got. Slowly, the Uchiha stretched out her arm and looked at the lilies in her right hand one last time before letting them go.

Just at that moment, as the flowers sank down the cliff, a gentle breeze blew through Hinari's hair, which caught the flowers and carried them down the river. "I will bring peace for you!" shouted Hinari, who had regained her determination and strength. "I promise you that, Shisui and Itachi!"

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