Chapter 65

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Hinari did not know when she had fallen asleep. However, she was woken up by a noise in front of her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She had fallen asleep next to a tree.

Once again, a loud noise reached her ears, causing her to lift her head. In front of her, the Uchiha hideout lay in ruins. Black flames surrounded the building, which had long since been destroyed. Itachi's Susanoo had been awakened, pulling the last pieces of Orochimaru out of Sasuke.

Hinari quickly stood up to get closer. But the flames didn't make it easy for her. "Sasuke..." she breathed as he tried to attack Itachi with a lightning dragon and was once again protected by the Susanoo.

If Itachi wasn't sick, Sasuke would have had no chance at all. But Hinari knew better. Itachi deliberately did not fight so hard in order to finally die. She could only see in slow motion how Itachi ran towards his brother, who had already reached the wall. Slowly, Itachi raised his arm and stretched it out towards his brother.

His lips lifted as his fingers finally reached Sasuke's forehead. "Another time, forgive me Sasuke." Itachi whispered as the Susanoo dissolved and the Uchiha fell to the ground. Shocked, Sasuke stood against the wall. Had he been able to kill his brother after all?

A masked man appeared out of nowhere and looked at the brothers. Itachi Uchiha died with a smile. When Sasuke also fell over, he took the chance and ran towards both of them. "Don't you dare touch her!" shouted Hinari, who had drawn the katana and stood in front of him.

The masked man glared at the girl before laughing slightly. "And you want to stop me?" "I won't let you take her!" Hinari replied and attacked. The katana she swung at him passed right through him, causing Hinari to widen her eyes. "What..."

His foot finally lashed out to throw the girl away from him, who slammed into the nearest stone. "Konoha ninjas have become weak." he said quietly and ran towards the brothers again. "No, Sasuke!" shouted Hinari, who got up and ran towards them. But it was too late. The masked man whirled himself and the others into a black vortex that dissolved before their eyes. "Sasuke!" was the last thing Hinari shouted that was heard by the Uchiha.

"It's not far now!" shouted Kiba, who had lost the scent of Sasuke in the rain. However, he had picked up a completely different scent. When the group arrived at the hiding place, there was nothing but rubble and ashes. "Hinari!" Naruto suddenly shouted as he saw the Uchiha kneeling in front of the wall with her head lowered. He ran as fast as he could towards Hinari, who was completely soaked by the rain. Everyone else looked at the two of them and realized that Hinari was not feeling well. She had not made it.

Tears streamed from her eyes as they were focused on her katana, which she had on her lap. She had failed and had allowed this man to take Itachi and Sasuke with him. "Hinari...", Naruto breathed beside her. "Itachi-Nii...", she whispered in desperation, causing Naruto's eyes to widen briefly. He had spoken to Itachi before he came here.

"What will you do if Sasuke slips completely into darkness?" "Then I'll do everything I can to bring him to his senses! Sasuke is my best friend and I will never abandon him!" Naruto roared before he saw several crows. What did this Itachi actually want from him! "What are you smirking about?" he asked as soon as he raised the corners of his mouth.

"Hinari trusts you very much Naruto Uzumaki." he began to speak. What? Hinari? As Naruto opened his mouth, a crow with a Sharingan flew towards him and pressed itself into his mouth. Choking, Naruto held his neck until the crow disappeared into his mouth. What was that? "This crow possesses the Sharingan of Shisui Uchiha, Hinari's brother. She asked me to give the crow to you."

Naruto looked at the Uchiha. Hinari had contact with him! Why? "I promised her brother to look after her, which I did in secret. Hinari knows what happened back then but is not allowed to talk about it. She knows that I'm going to die and that's why she came to see me. Please take care of my little sister and I'll entrust my brother Sasuke to you."

Naruto had not yet understood what Itachi had meant. But now he realized that he was like a brother to Hinari, who had looked after her with the crows. "Hinari..." he whispered again when he saw her so dejected. Now she had not only lost her real brother, but also her surrogate brother. His hands clenched into fists. He would do what Itachi had asked him to do! He would take care of Hinari and Sasuke!

At almost the same time, the masked man who had introduced himself to Sasuke as Madara Uchiha had told him what had really happened that night. He had told Sasuke everything that Itachi never wanted him to know. But now Itachi's plan had come to nothing. Although he had taken precautions with the Amaterasu, he couldn't prevent Madara from telling him the truth. The truth about the Uchiha massacre.

Sasuke was furious. Angry at the Hokage, the elders and Danzo! How could they have chosen his brother to kill the clan? But the fact that Hinari had known this hurt him. Not because she had kept it secret, but because she hadn't been allowed to say anything all those years and had to live with this secret alone. Itachi had asked her to tell him even though she had always wanted to, at least that's what Madara had said. But how could Hinari cope with all the loss?

Sasuke should have helped her. This whole burden should have been on him, not on her. Hinari was the kindest girl he knew. Why did she have to put up with everything? The anger around Danzo only grew stronger because of it. Hinari knew what he had done to Shisui and had to get along with this man in the village! His hands clenched into fists. "I will kill Danzo and avenge us both, Hinari!"

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن