Chapter 51

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It hadn't been long since Hinari and Shikamaru had kissed. Hinari was on her way to the new mission with her team and couldn't stop smiling. This did not go unnoticed by her comrades. Sakura in particular wondered what was wrong with her. She had never seen the Uchiha look so radiant. When she asked what was going on, Hinari continued to smile and answered with Shikamaru's name. Sakura quickly realized what was meant and was happy for the Uchiha.

Of course, the men had no idea what was going on. Especially not Sai, who had questioned everything. He had been trying to talk badly about Sasuke the whole time, which Naruto didn't like at all and often got upset about. Hinari didn't really care either, but she was just happy at the moment.

Above all, Naruto did most of the work for her, which is why she didn't get involved. She actually felt sorry for Yamato, who had to settle this dispute again and again. "Why are you still sticking up for him? He betrayed you and the village." "He's my friend, which I'm sure you'll never understand! He'll come back, I'll make sure of that!" Naruto shouted angrily. Just as Sai was about to say something again, they were torn apart by Yamato's wooden hiding place. "That's enough!" he shouted, glaring at both of them with his killer look, just like Naruto always described it. Dark circles appeared under his eyes, like a shadow that lay coldly over both of them. "It's all right, Commander Yamato! But stop looking at me like that!" shouted Naruto.

Hinari just shook her head and kept walking. Nevertheless, she heard Sai asking questions again and smiling. That smile had seemed strange to Hinari the whole time. But she didn't mind him asking questions.

He belonged to Team 7 and certainly wanted to get to know everyone and understand why Sasuke was so important. "Still, he's a traitor if he goes to Orochimaru to get stronger. Maybe he was just too weak for Konoha, who didn't give him a chance to support him." This made Hinari angry. Without thinking, she grabbed his collar with her left hand and clenched her right into a fist, ready to strike if necessary. Her Mangekyou Sharingan had activated automatically, which could be seen in Sai's eyes. "You have absolutely no idea who Sasuke is! So don't speak so condescendingly of him! If I hear you badmouthing him one more time, I won't hesitate to put you in a genjutsu so you'll never find out on your own again!"

Shocked, Hinari was looked at by her friends as well as Yamato. They had never seen her Mangekyou Sharingan, which had a pattern like the sun. They had also never seen Hinari so angry. Sai, who was actually quite calm and had little fear, swallowed. He had never seen such red eyes, which only reflected anger. He realized that he shouldn't mess with this Uchiha. "Is that clear!" Sai nodded quickly and was let go by Hinari, who turned away from him and just kept walking.

Yamato had only just realized that he had put his hand on a kunai to intervene if Hinari wanted to hurt the black-haired man. Relieved, he had exhaled and continued running. Kakashi could have warned him. He already knew from Naruto that he couldn't always be restrained, but that he hadn't said anything about Hinari wasn't fair. If he was back in Konoha, he would tell his senpai.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang