Chapter 24

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Hinari attacked the nukenin several times. With her Sharingan, she was able to predict his movements and thus had no difficulty launching a counterattack. Kakashi was amazed at how good Hinari was at fighting when she could see something. She attacked thoughtfully and tactically. Like a river flowing downstream, she formed the exact reinforcement for him. If she could form this ability with her team, they would be incredibly strong.

Hinari had Kakashi's back, and vice versa. They knew exactly when to attack and when to back up. "Jutsu of the familiar spirit!" Kakashi now shouted and several dogs rose from the ground to hold Zabuza. The jonin had been waiting for the right moment and realized that Hinari would soon have no more chakra left.

Right at that moment, a red chakra raged around, which Haku hurled out of the ice prison. No one had noticed what was going on inside. Only Naruto's shout could be heard as he spoke to Haku.

Birds could be heard as Hinari focused on Zabuza again. Lightning raged on Kakashi's palm, which he had formed. "Chidori!" he shouted and came closer and closer to Zabuza with his hand. Just as he was about to hit him, Haku stood in front of him and received the jutsu in the chest. Shocked, Kakashi released his jutsu and pulled his hand out of his chest. As if in slow motion, he watched Rin slump to the ground. However, this time it was not Rin but Haku who had protected Zabuza.

Hinari could feel Kakashi's emotional chaos. He was grieving, even though the nukenin were his opponents. Something had reminded him of his past.

"Sasuke!" Sakura called out and the Uchiha turned her head around. Not far from her lay Sasuke, who was lying around with several Senbon needles in his body. "Sasuke..." she breathed softly and ran towards the Uchiha. At the same time, her Sharingan deactivated so as not to use up all her chakra. "Sasuke, wake up." she asked him and checked his pulse.

She could faintly feel his breathing and was relieved that he was still alive. The Uchiha ignored the incident that was still taking place on the bridge. Sasuke was more important to her now and so she scanned his body again. Every time she found a point where no chakra was flowing, she pulled out the senbon needle.

Sakura watched her and, like many things, wondered how she could do that. It wasn't actually difficult to get the needles out. The knowledge of the chakra currents was almost enough. The Hyuga had a similar ability to stop chakra.

"What's going on?" asked Sasuke, exhausted, as he had also used the Sharingan. He had awakened his during the fight. "Thank God..." Hinari breathed and immediately pulled her best friend into her arms. Slightly puzzled as to why she was so relieved, he put his arm around her back. He had only been unconscious for a brief moment.

When Zabuza also died and had stood up for Haku and taken revenge, the Wave Kingdom was freed from Gateau. Team 7 had buried the two Nukenin near the village so that they too could find peace.

Crying, Inari stood in front of Naruto, who was also crying and told the little boy that it was okay to cry sometimes. He was proud of Inari for having found the courage to do something against Gateau. The village was grateful to the team and when the bridge was finished, they would invite the team.

But at that moment, Tazuna kept quiet about the fact that he was planning to call the bridge "Naruto". Soon the great Naruto Bridge would stand and remind everyone in the village of what he had done. He had persuaded Zabuza to work against Gateau, to take Haku's death to heart. Never would Tazuna have believed that a little boy was capable of anything.

"I'm looking forward to some noodle soup!" said Naruto on the way home. He had been missing that taste for days. "I would look forward to onigiri." Hinari smiled and supported Naruto's hunger. Shaking his head, Sasuke looked at his best friend.

"Tell me, Hinari, when did you get the Sharingan?" asked Sakura. "Huh? How now?" asked Naruto, immediately confused. Sasuke had received this Sharingan today. "She used it today."

Hinari probably had no choice but to initiate the two of them as well. So, as with Kakashi, she told them the reason why. And even though it was dangerous, she also told them about the Mangeykou Sharingan. However, she had only told them when she had been promised not to tell anyone. Once again, her heart was lifted when she was finally able to tell the whole team. She had been carrying it around with her for so long.

What kind of missions would they get now? Could Hinari also use her Sharingan?

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