Chapter 8

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Hinari was still standing in front of the table, barely moving. If Sasuke hadn't taken her into his protection, she would certainly have started crying. This crushing feeling of not being accepted had intensified. Now she couldn't say that she was almost blind. "I want to go to Shisui..."

"Calm down." Iruka spoke sternly. It was his fault that Hinari was in this situation. He shouldn't have asked her to come forward. "There's no shame in not knowing the answer. You are here to learn everything. Don't laugh at someone who doesn't know the answer. Especially not if you don't know it yourself."

Hinari was grateful to her sensei for reprimanding her. Not many would do such a thing. Iruka exhaled briefly and began to explain what was on the board. He began to explain it in such a way that Hinari got a picture in front of her eyes. Perhaps she knew the answer.

The Uchiha listened patiently and opened her eyes. She knew the answer, but only thanks to her brother's training. "60 degrees." Hinari said suddenly and felt the piercing gaze.

Smiling, she turned to Iruka, who looked at her in astonishment. She knew the answer? She must have trained quite a bit to know this. Only by practicing and seeing the drawing would one know the answer. If she wasn't blind like that, such tasks would be no problem for her. But what would he do if he had to take exams? He could certainly forget about written exams with Hinari.

"That's right, Hinari." Iruka smiled and finally released her so that she could sit down again.

A glance had now turned to the Uchiha. Although the boy was mostly absent, he had noticed everything. Bored, he had waited until the task was finally solved. He didn't feel like saying the answer beforehand. At least Hinari had found the answer after all, although it had taken quite a while.

Shikamaru had looked at the girl. Ever since she had been in this classroom, he had kept an eye on her. He had quickly realized that her eyes were not normal for an Uchiha. Those slightly grayish spots were quite obvious to him.

Her posture, her whole appearance had changed drastically when she had to stand in front of the blackboard. He could see her panic even though her body had shown no movement. She wasn't running like many children, thinking about what she wanted to do next. The questioning look when Iruka gave her the chalk.

Shikamaru thought about everything. He began to question everything. The strange thing about it all was that her eyes hadn't fixed on anything. Not even when Ino had tapped them.

His head was propped up on his hand and would look to many as if he wasn't thinking about anything. As if he was in another world. No one knew he was thinking about Hinari all the time. She had a secret that he wanted to solve first. She was interesting and not an open book like all the others.

While Iruka gave his speech, Shikamaru heard the pens gliding across the paper. It wasn't necessary for him and, as he saw, it was the same with Hinari. But a gesture made his eyes widen. A gesture that helped him realize what Hinari's secret was.

Hinari wanted to reach for a pen so as not to attract too much attention. But her hand had no idea where the pen was. And so Sasuke had to place the pen in her hand unnoticed, which Shikamaru was the only one who could see. It was precisely this gesture that showed the Nara what he could have suspected from the start.

Her eyes were not just a grayish tone. The spots were spread across her pupils. You wouldn't think much of it at all. Anyone would think that this was the way Hinari was born.

But Shikamaru didn't. He realized that Hinari could barely see. With his analysis, he was 100% sure. Hinari was almost blind and had been since birth.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now