Chapter 61

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Early in the morning, as the sun began to rise, Shikamaru and his team wanted to visit the members of Akatsuki. As Hinari stayed with her friend, she also stood at the gate. Just as they were about to leave, they were interrupted by a woman's voice. "So you really want to go?" Hinari looked at Grandma Tsunade and simply nodded. "I can't let you go." , said the Senju. Not because she didn't trust them, but because they were all still chunin. Well, actually, she could have upgraded Shikamaru and Hinari to jonin long ago. Shikamaru was a bit too lazy to make the effort, though.

"But Grandma Tsunade, we..." "Don't argue with me, Hinari." she said sternly and wanted to add something else. "I will accompany her." "But Kakashi..." "You're not letting them go because they don't have a jonin, are you? I'll go with the team." he interrupted Tsunade.

Tsunade probably had no choice but to let them go now. "Revenge is not good. Please remember that." Hinari smiled and waved to Tsunade. She knew best what to do in such situations. Revenge was never a solution. Together as a team, Team 10 and their two companions set out to find Akatsuki. Shikamaru had already planned things out and asked Ino to take control of a bird to track them down.

Hinari was kind enough to take Ino on her back during this time. Even if Kakashi could have done it, the Uchiha preferred it that way. In an emergency, she could protect herself and Ino with the Susanoo. Kakashi, on the other hand, would be limited in battle.

The team stopped in the middle of the forest and Ino woke up. "I found them. But I think they've discovered me." she said and pointed to the map to show where they were. Shikamaru frowned. Not far away from them was the Nara forest. Many of his strategies would probably work in there. "All right, here's my plan." he began and drew a few things on the earthy ground. He gave Kakashi a vial and asked him to get blood from this kakuzu. The idea that the Jashinist would kill his partner himself was not a bad one.

Hinari already knew his plan from the shogi game. However, she was very worried about him if he really did come to the Nara forest with Hidan. Even though she had great confidence in her friend, anything could go wrong. "Don't get too close to Hidan under any circumstances." Shikamaru said and looked at his comrades. When they all nodded, it was clear that the fight could begin.

The Akatsuki members were running around in the middle of a sandy area. They knew that they were being followed and had prepared themselves for it. But they only realized that these children had already found them when a kunai was shot and exploded in front of them. Laughing, Hidan looked around until he realized that he could no longer move at all. When the cloud of smoke cleared, Shikamaru grinned. "Gotcha!"

Hidan roared angrily and immediately attacked his partner. He struck again and again with his scythe until Kakuzu was able to settle the shadow. "Shit." Shikamaru breathed and signaled for the others to intervene.

Hinari didn't miss this chance and fired her fire dragon down at the two members. They quickly dodged and looked into a Sharingan, which looked them straight in the eye. "I guess that's another Uchiha survivor. Itachi must have been very lenient." Kakuzu spoke. Hinari lifted the corners of her mouth when she realized that the two were distracted by her and ran towards them. But this was also meant to be a distraction so that Kakashi could get close to Kakuzu. "Chidori!" she shouted and struck.

Kakuzu, who dodged backwards, grinned under his mask. Did this girl really think she could hit him? Another lightning bolt rang out, which was rammed into your chest from behind. Kakuzu stared wide-eyed over his shoulder. "That was just a distraction from her." Kakashi said, filling the vial with blood and walking a few meters away.

Kakuzu was shocked by this attack. They really had planned everything to the letter. His body sank to his knees and he heard a girl cheer in delight. "Ino! It's not over yet!" the Uchiha shouted. She could tell by his chakra that Kakuzu wasn't finished. "What do you mean?" "Kakuzu he...he has..." Hinari started to speak, but was interrupted by a laugh.

"Not bad at all." Kakuzu began to split up and black creatures appeared. Each of them wore a mask and looked at the team. Hinari's eyes widened as she sensed the different chakras. "Hinari what's wrong!" asked Ino hysterically. "He has five hearts!"

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