Chapter 37

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Hinari looked silently at the pink-haired girl, who did not leave Sasuke's side. She kept asking herself why she still wanted his attention, even though Sasuke kept rejecting her. Hinari knew that Sakura loved him. But was this love sincere and so great that she would stay here even if he hated her? The two had not yet spoken. What had they talked about? Although they were in a team, they somehow couldn't really talk. It didn't mean that they hated each other, although Sakura had hated her as a child. But only because Sasuke had given her so much attention. She hadn't known then that Hinari depended on him.

Hinari turned her face to Sasuke. His chakra was still in disarray. What kind of genjutsu had Itachi gotten him into? Normally he could solve this without any problems.

The moment she thought about it, the door opened. "Grandma Tsunade will help him now!" Naruto shouted happily and grinned to himself. The woman who entered the room had previously healed Kakashi, who was in the same condition as the Uchiha before her. She recognized a pink-haired girl who looked at her with sparkling eyes. She seemed to be happy that he was being helped.

But the other girl didn't look at all like the pink-haired girl. Her eyes looked empty and yet she saw feelings in them. The gray dots confused the woman. Was this girl blind? "This is Sakura, and this is Hinari." Naruto said and grinned. Tsunade widened her eyes briefly. So this was Hinari Uchiha. She had once heard that someone in the Uchiha clan was blind and had been hidden. Sarutobi had mentioned it once.

Slowly, Tsunade walked closer and tapped him on the forehead, healing him. Sakura watched the whole thing and was amazed as Sasuke slowly woke up. How could she heal such a jutsu with mere chakra? As she looked at Hinari, she remembered the conversation they had had. "You'll find something you can use your chakra for." Hinari had once said. Was this a sign that she was to become a medical ninja?

Hinari smiled as Sasuke woke up. But before she could hug him, he was already being crushed by Sakura. "I'm glad." she breathed softly, which left Sasuke a little confused. What had he missed? His eyes turned to Hinari, which made him realize that she was fine. The woman standing in front of him had a large bust and blonde hair. Had she healed him? 

"Now it's Lee's turn!" Guy shouted happily and ran ahead. Hinari looked after him, slightly amused. "Everything all right?" she asked her best friend, who nodded gently and lay down again. He was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. "I'll let you sleep." the Uchiha smiled and stood up. She knew that he needed the sleep and tapped his forehead briefly before leaving the room. She hadn't known that something would happen later.

"Hinari Uchiha, do you have a moment?" asked Tsunade, who had just come from Lee. Hinari looked at the woman questioningly. "Why?" "I'd like to talk to you." Tsunade admitted and asked the Uchiha to come into a spare room. Without doubting anything, she followed Tsunade and sat down on the bed to make herself more comfortable for the conversation. "What is it?"

Tsunade looked into her eyes and crossed her arms. "How much can you see?" Hinari tilted her head a little. Why did she want to know now? "Well, not much. I can see some of the blonde hair." Hinari replied. "The rest is black."

"And with your Sharingan?" the Senju asked immediately. She wasn't supposed to know yet, but Guy hadn't been able to keep his mouth shut. "Quite well, actually, but not completely. But with the Mangekyou Sharingan, I can see everything clearly." Why should Hinari lie to the new Hokage-to-be? "I see..."

Hinari was surprised that she wasn't shocked. Actually, anyone would have reacted like Kakashi if she already had the mangekyou. Why not her? What was bothering her right now?

Tsunade thought about it. Why couldn't she see as an Uchiha? There had never been an Uchiha who was blind. They were known for their eyes. No one had ever worn glasses before. "Grandma Tsunade?" it slipped out of Hinari's mouth, which she hadn't intended. Somehow, Naruto's nicknames were affectionate.

A small smirk formed on Tsunade's lip. Somehow she didn't think it was so bad to be called that by her. It was different with Naruto, who upset her. "I'll find a solution." "Huh?"

Tsunade smirked again. It wasn't just Lee she wanted to heal, but Hinari as well. She had to deal with her file and the Sharingan though. "I'll try to heal your eyes." Tsunade said, causing Hinari to widen her eyes. She wanted to do what?!

Tears flowed from her eyes. Tsunade would really try to find a way for her to see? The senju gently placed her hand on her head. Even though it was admirable that she was already a genin without being able to see properly, she wanted to give Hinari the chance to become even better. She wanted to give Hinari a normal life and that was only possible if she managed to give her sight.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now