Chapter 55

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Team 7 arrived back in Konoha disappointed. Unfortunately, they couldn't persuade Sasuke to come with them. Although it was clear to Hinari that he was only with Orochimaru to kill Itachi, she was dejected. And again she wondered why Itachi couldn't just tell him the truth. It would be so much easier but no, both Uchihas were just too stubborn.

After reporting to Tsunade, Hinari made her way to her favorite snack bar. In front of the counter, Hinari didn't even have to say anything to place her order. The owner looked at her with a smile. "Onigiris coming right up." Hinari thanked the woman and immediately put the money on the table. She was a regular customer, just like Naruto was at Ichirakus. The only difference was that Hinari didn't accept vouchers. She wanted to help the stalls with real money.

"There you go." the gray smiled and handed the Uchiha her onigiri. Hinari bit into the rice balls with relish as she walked through Konoha. "You're back already?" a voice asked, causing Hinari to look to her side for a moment. "What do you mean here already?" Giggling a little, Ino looked at her friend. "Nah, you've got Naruto on your team." Hinari laughed softly. It was true, for Naruto being on the team, they were back pretty quickly. But her laughter died when she thought of Sasuke again. "We saw him and talked. But he doesn't want to go back..."

Ino understood immediately and took the Uchiha in her arms. Sometimes Hinari was like a child, but she also found it cute. No Uchiha would behave like her. That was certainly one of the reasons why Hinari was popular. "He'll come back, Hinari. Just don't give up." The blonde smiled, took a daisy and put it in one of her two bonnets. "It suits you."

Hinari looked at her with a smile. It never occurred to her to put any flowers in her hair. "Thank you." she said and bit into the rice ball again. "Have you been to Shikamaru's yet?" the Yamanaka asked with a grin. "No, I've only just got back Ino. You mentioned that yourself." Hinari continued to laugh. "You might have met him before." she laughed and picked up the empty flowerpot.

"Do you know where he is right now?" Thinking about it, Ino looked up into the sky. "I think he's at home playing shogi with Asuma." Thanking him, Hinari said goodbye and ran off. The Naras' estate was not far away and, knowing Hinari's family, they knew who had just opened the door. Shikamaru's mother loved the Uchiha and had often invited them over for dinner. She was happy that her son had such a pretty girl as a friend. She was also polite and brought some life into his life.

He was no longer as bored as he used to be. He was doing more and more, which made the Nara very happy. "Is Shikamaru..." the young woman began. "He's on the terrace with Asuma." his mother replied with a smile. Hinari happily ran out of the living room, causing the Nara to grin briefly after her. Young love was a beautiful thing.

"I'm back!" Hinari said loudly as she arrived on the terrace. Asuma looked at the Uchiha with a grin. "You don't say." Grinning, she sat down next to Shikamaru to finally give him a kiss. Immediately afterwards, she talked about her mission while the two of them played shogi. Even if it didn't look like it, Hinari knew that they were listening to her. "You just can't give up." Asuma said and looked at Shikamaru, who wanted to say the same thing. "I know." Hinari smiled and continued to watch them.

But during the game, Asuma began to grin when he saw Shikamaru's move. "Tell me, who's the king?" the jonin asked and saw a grinning Uchiha. She already knew the answer and grinned proudly that she knew. "The Hokage, who else?" asked Shikamaru in confusion, not even having thought about it.

Hinari shook her head. If he thought a little harder, he would know. But that was his job and not hers. Asuma also looked at Shikamaru and shook his head. He gave him the task of thinking about it again. When he was ready, he would be able to give him the right answer, just like Hinari.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now