Chapter 17

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The next morning, the genin had met near the training ground. For the moment, everyone went about their business until they realized that Kakashi was too late. The sun was slowly beginning to rise and Hinari was slightly blinded by it.

She partially ignored the fact that Naruto was upset. She had already accepted that the jonin was late and that this was probably his habit. "Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the road of life." Kakashi said, which Naruto didn't buy. The jonin didn't even listen to him and lifted something up, making a ringing sound. "Your job is to take the bells from me before the alarm goes off."

"But there are only three bells." Sakura said. "Whoever doesn't get one goes back to the academy." Kakashi said simply. Hinari swallowed slightly. So if she didn't manage to get one with her blindness, she had to go back to the academy?

"Hey, I haven't said go yet. I'm starting to like you guys, though." came from Kakashi, who had to back away from Naruto. So this boy was determined to get a bell. "Let's go, then."

As soon as the jonin uttered this word, Hinari hid behind a bush. She wasn't the only one who had this idea. Naruto was the only one who stopped in the square to take on Kakashi. Through the vibrations and the chakras, Hinari could analyze everything. She wouldn't bother with a bell until she was sure she could take on Kakashi.

But something was bothering her. Something that was strange for her. Why were there only three bells when there were four of them in a team? As she remembered, Shisui and Itachi had always worked in a team. Why shouldn't it be any different now? The right task came to her as if by magic. Kakashi wanted to test her!

"Sasuke?" Hinari whispered softly and turned her head slightly so she could see his face. "We have to work together." Sasuke looked at his best friend and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Sorry Hinari, but I have to do it alone." he said before disappearing into the forest. "Then I won't be working with you either." Sakura said afterwards and ran after Sasuke, causing Hinari to exhale. "Alone, then..."

As soon as Naruto was hung from a trap on a tree, Kakashi said goodbye for a while. Hinari waited until the jonin was back and positioned himself with Shadow Doppelganger on several sides. When he was back, he would certainly be surprised.

"Just someone..." Kakashi mumbled softly, slapping the dust off his gloves. His right eye focused on several points and realized that something was going on. "Jutsu of the flaming fireball." Hinari shouted from several directions and Kakashi immediately had to dodge the fire coming towards him.

"That was close." For a brief moment, Kakashi had thought that the fire had caught his clothes. He quickly looked around. "Shadow doppelganger..."

While the jonin was focused on finding the right Hinari, she came up behind him and struck. Kakashi barely managed to turn around and stop the fist with his hand. How was it that he had barely noticed her? The blow, however, was so strong that Kakashi had some trouble pushing Hinari off him. "I assume you learned it from his brother."

"But I also had to practise and learn on my own." Hinari said, smiling. She could hear in his tone that he was surprised and amazed. She was proud that she could do something. "Ready to go back to the academy?" "No, I'm going to be a real kunoichi. Come to think of it, they're testing us sensei. Sasuke and Sakura didn't want to work with me, so I'll try it on my own too."

Kakashi raised his eyebrow. An almost unseeing genin could recognize his task. For better or worse, he had underestimated her. The whole night he had thought about how he should train with her. How she could manage to complete a mission. Those thoughts were for nothing.

"Nah then, try your luck." Kakashi motivated the Uchiha, who quickly ran towards him again. She struck again and again and felt Kakashi dodge with ease. Highly determined, Hinari continued. However, she had done something she shouldn't have.

She automatically activated her Sharingan and managed to freeze Kakashi for a moment. Just then, Hinari struck and threw Kakashi against the nearest tree.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now