Chapter 87

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Birds could be heard chirping. The wind blew through her hair and the scent of flowers could be smelled. It was a completely different picture to the one Hinari had before. She felt emotions, heard sounds and could see bright colors. She felt visibly more comfortable here than in the darkness.

Her legs carried her easily over the grass, which touched her gently on the skin. Did everyone come here when life was over, or did Hinari just imagine it that way? For a brief moment, she looked around and enjoyed nature. And right at that moment, she felt a pain that was deep in her heart. At that very moment, she thought of her boyfriend, Shikamaru. I wonder how he was doing?

"You're still worse than me." "That's not true!" a voice grumbled, causing Hinari to raise her head. "You may be older than me, but you're weaker." "Says the one who died because of an illness!"

Her eyes widened as tears began to run down her face. Were the Uchihas really fighting right now? "And if they were, then I'm still stronger!" "Just because you had more training and were with the Anbus!?" the older boy grumbled, making Hinari cry even more and run off. "Shisui-Nii! Itachi-Nii!"

The Uchiha looked at each other questioningly and simultaneously looked at the voice they knew too well. "Hi...Hinari!?" they both asked at the same time and were immediately knocked over by the Uchiha. What was she doing here?! Hinari clung tightly to her clothes, which were already damp from her tears. " see you."

Shisui was the first to break away and grabbed her shoulders to shake her gently. "What are you doing here Hinari?! You're supposed to be fighting with your friends!" Surprised, Hinari looked at her brother, who looked at her with concern. Didn't they know what was happening? "Are you..." Shisui started to say and was immediately interrupted by his sister. "Yes, well, no, I... it's complicated." the Uchiha mumbled and told him what had happened.

"That means you won't be here for long." Itachi said and received a nod from Hinari. "I don't know why only you two are here, but I just wanted to know if you're okay." Smiling, Shisui tossed her hair. "Yes, we're fine little sunshine. Although...Itachi is really getting on my nerves."

Itachi looked at his best friend emotionlessly. "Just because you haven't been able to beat me yet?" "That's not true at all! If Hinari had come later, I would have beaten you!" There was silence for a moment until Hinari started to laugh. It was nice to see them dueling even here. Their laughter was so infectious that the two of them had to laugh too.

Hinari looked at both of them and smiled gently. "How are the others?" Itachi looked at her. "They're fine, even if some of them weren't happy to see me. " he admitted, causing Hinari to take his hand. "Our parents are proud of you, by the way."

Hinari looked at her brother with wide eyes. "You...are proud?" "Yes, and mother cried when she found out you could see." Shisui smiled, which made Hinari cry again. Knowing that her parents were proud made her incredibly happy.

"Besides, they're happy that you have a boyfriend." Shisui, who had told her about it, grinned. "Except father, he sees this Shikamaru as a bored guy who doesn't care much about things." Laughing, Hinari looked at her brother. "Sounds like father is strict." "Oh believe me Hinari. Our father can be strict when he wants to be."

Itachi looked at the young woman and tapped her on the forehead, Hinari looking at him questioningly. "What are you going to do about Sasuke?"

Although Hinari was supposed to ask the questions that would help her, she couldn't. She knew how she wanted to spend her future and what it would take. As always, she would trust her friends and look after the welfare of Konoha and its children. She didn't need to be told what was good for her, which was why she smiled at Itachi.

"I'll welcome him with open arms after Naruto knocks some sense into him. Konoha is his home, just waiting to have him back. So don't worry about him, Itachi-Nii." Itachi looked at the younger girl with a smile. He would have expected nothing less from her.

As Hinari began to dissolve, Shisui looked at his sister. "I'm afraid you've spent too much time with us. You won't be able to see our parents anymore." he said softly, making Hinari smile. "I know that I never really saw them. But what I do know is that I can never replace them. Tell mother that I felt the love she felt when I was born."

Understanding, Shisui nodded and took his little sister in his arms, and Itachi did the same. "We are always with you Hinari, don't forget that."

"I know. Itachi's crows are pretty annoying." the Uchiha laughed, before breaking away and smiling at the two of them one last time before dissolving.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now