Chapter 5

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The days passed and Hinari was allowed to train with Shisui and Itachi again and again. Unfortunately, Sasuke was never allowed to join them so that he wouldn't get the idea to do so. Itachi had made an exception for the little Uchiha to make her life easier. Shisui had become his best friend and had occasionally won against him.

Hinari was also enviable for her age. Shisui must have taught her everything from a very early age. His attacks against the Uchiha were gentle yet quick. Although she barely looked at him, Hinari knew where Itachi was. Itachi had figured out that she found out everything through the vibrations in the ground and the chakra.

One thing they couldn't practise with her, however, was genjutsu. Shisui and Itachi did teach her how to release and use genjutsus. But it was unclear whether she would ever need it. Not even a genjutsu with the Mangekyou Sharingan would do anything for her. Even when she looked into those eyes, Hinari couldn't see the red color. Actually a good advantage if the opponent was a specialist in genjutsu.

Time passed quickly for Hinari and after two years she had finally managed to bring Itachi and Shisui to the ground. Although Hinari didn't know if they had lost on purpose. Still, she was proud of herself, which the two had noticed. 

"Well done sunshine." Shisui grinned and tossed her hair, laughing. Even though it ruined her hair, she found the gesture funny. Only Itachi had kept up his typing, which he was doing again at that moment.

When it got dark, the three of them walked back to the Uchiha quarter to rest after the long training session. Hinari tended to be carried, as she had asked Shisui to do so. Even though she no longer fell over from exhaustion, she liked it when her brother carried her on his back.

To many, it would look like she was clinging to him. However, Hinari had other reasons. Yes, she didn't want to lose her brother. But it also made her realize how important she was to him. He had never refused her request and had carried her around for hours when she had wanted him to. She felt his closeness, his feelings towards her.

Hinari didn't feel alone and knew that she could always rely on Shisui. He would pick her up from the floor and guard her like a precious treasure. Shisui would not let anything happen to her. That's what Hinari always thought when he carried her.

Every now and then she was able to persuade Itachi, who couldn't say no to her look. Itachi loved Shisui's little sister and was glad that she got on well with Sasuke. When the two of them were together, they were inseparable. Itachi knew that his little brother would look after her at the academy. That was also one reason why the Hokage had allowed Hinari to be sent there.

She finally had to get to know children her own age and make friends. And that was only possible if she went to the academy.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Shisui said goodbye to his best friend, who nodded briefly and disappeared into the house. "Will the other children like me?" Hinari suddenly asked, looking over her shoulder at her brother. "Of course they'll like you. You are strong, Hinari. If someone says something about your eyes, just tell them what you think. Show them that you can become a shinobi without eyesight."

Hinari laughed lightly and nodded happily. She would take this advice to heart. "Besides, you have Sasuke. He'll be by your side." "That's right!" she exclaimed, beaming.

Sasuke, her best friend, was in her class. But now the only question was whether she would be accepted.

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