Chapter 70

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After Sakura had cleared everything up with her friends, Sai, Kiba, Akamaru and Lee would accompany her and Hinari. However, they all thought that Hinari should not leave the village. After all, it was forbidden for them. But they knew they couldn't stop their friend. At last they knew why Hinari had never succumbed to hatred like Sasuke. She knew the truth and would not take kindly to Sasuke continuing like this.

Thanks to a distraction from Team 10, Sasuke's group had managed to get out of Konoha. She was very grateful to them and only hoped that it wouldn't be noticed. However, she doubted this, as Hinari was quite conspicuous. It hadn't taken long for them to be followed and Akamaru barked. Turning her head back, Hinari looked into the forest. Several people were following the group and she could see that they must be the Anbu-Ne.

In the middle of the forest, the Uchiha stopped. "Go ahead, I'll stop them." "But what Hinari..." "They're here because of me Sakura. I'll find you, but you have to keep going." Hinari interrupted her best friend and activated her Mangekyou Sharingan, causing those present to gulp slightly. They had never seen this Sharingan in action before. "We really should go." Sai said. He knew the Anbi-Ne only too well. They would never get away unharmed. "But take care of yourself, Hinari."

Grinning, she stood in front of her friends. It could already be described as a belligerent grin. "Don't worry Sakura. You don't know my jutsus." Just then, Hinari noticed a movement and formed her finger signs. "Fire styles, jutsu of the fire dragon!"

Instead of a fireball as many knew it, a large fire dragon shot out of her mouth, enveloping the surroundings like a tornado. The eyes of the others grew wide. Since when could Hinari do that? But they realized that they had nothing to worry about and disappeared. Hinari already had it under control. "Remind me never to make her angry." Kiba muttered as he took the lead. "I was going to say the same thing." Lee whispered, which made Sakura laugh slightly. "She would never hurt you." "Did you just see that jutsu?!" Kiba grumbled loudly, which Akamaru emphasized with a bark. "Yes, I did..."

Sakura continued to run through the forest, thinking. This fire dragon had encompassed everything in front of him. Why had Hinari never used this jutsu before? Could it be that she never did it so that all opponents would underestimate her? She did not know. What she did know was that Hinari really shouldn't be made angry.

The Anbu-Ne had difficulties with the jutsus that Hinari shot at her. Fire and then lightning were shot at them. Danzo could have told them that their jutsus were strong and that they couldn't get near them. Hinari Uchiha was dangerous. No wonder she wasn't allowed to leave the village. Danzo should have locked her up as planned, just like Naruto Uzumaki. The Uchiha was never allowed to come to the Kage meeting. Danzo should have used Shisui's eye on her a long time ago. However, Itachi Uchiha would have caused problems.

"I know where you are, you cowards!" shouted Hinari. The whole forest around them was on fire. The trees were torn to the ground by the lightning, while the ground itself consisted of several holes. Not a single attack had reached her yet. She had expected more from the Anbu-Ne. "Come out!"

The way Hinari spoke to the Anbu made her furious. How could such a girl call them cowards! And they had already made their first mistake, coming out of hiding. Grinning slightly, Hinari looked at the masked men and reached for her katana. Although she had trained a lot, she had never had the opportunity to fight properly. So the Anbu came in very handy. She loaded her chakra into the katana, which was surrounded by small lightning bolts, and ran.

Weapons clashed, explosions were set off and Hinari did her best to get the Anbu-Ne on the ground. With her Mangekyou Sharingan, she anticipated all movements and felt the vibrations that reached her feet. Again and again, Hinari lunged to attack herself. The Anbu had no chance against the Uchiha. When the masks were cut by her katana, Hinari took her chance and activated her genjutsu.

Thanks to the chakra Itachi had given her, she was able to put the five men into a painful genjutsu from which they could not escape so quickly. Loud screams could be heard through the forest, which startled the birds and sent them flying into the sky. Hinari breathed a sigh of relief as the Anbu-Ne lay on the ground. If it had gone on any longer, she would hardly have had any chakra left. She shouldn't have bombed these men right away.

Her eyes turned to the sky as she deactivated her Sharingan. It was already dawning and Hinari felt a slight fatigue from the fight. Nevertheless, she knew that she couldn't take a break now. Without giving it a second thought, the kunoichi jumped off. She didn't care what happened to the Anbu-Ne. If they were strong enough, they would get out of the genjutsu themselves. If not, they would be lucky if someone came to their aid.

But she didn't care what happened to them. Even if they did what Danzo had told them to do, she hated these Anbu. Anyone who believed that this bessesen Hokage cared for the village was an enemy to Hinari. The hatred towards Danzo was simply too great and the man was lucky that Itachi let him live. But Hinari didn't know what she would do when she faced him. Would she kill him out of hatred? Take revenge for Shisui?

These were not the ideals that her brother and Itachi had prescribed. They wanted to bring peace, no matter how much they hated a person. Hinari had accepted the past for a long time. But the question she asked herself was whether Sasuke could get a grip on this hatred. What would he do if he knew the truth and came face to face with Danzo?

Her eyes were fixed on the path in front of her, which had faint traces of her friends. They were probably making pretty good time. Inwardly, Hinari hoped that Sakura was already talking to Naruto, because that way she could avoid this conversation about Sasuke. She would never give up on him, as Sakura intended to do. Naruto would never give up on the Uchiha, no matter how much the Haruno begged him to.

Hinari briefly bit her lower lip and clenched her hands into fists. "Sasuke, I'll get you back, I swear to you!"

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