Chapter 84

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"Hinari!" shouted Sasuke after he had formed his Susanoo around his team and knelt down next to his best friend. He placed his hand on her cool cheek before a few tears streamed from his cheeks. His heart burst as anger took over him. Why did it have to be her of all people!? Hadn't it been enough if Shisui and Itachi had lost their lives?

"Sasuke, calm down we..." Kakashi tried to calm him down and received an angry look. "Calm down!? How am I supposed to calm down when my best friend, who is like a sister to me, lays down her life for us?! She didn't deserve to die! She...she only wanted peace and did her best!" the Uchiha shouted and clenched his hands into fists. Naruto and Sakura bowed their heads. Sasuke was right, Hinari deserved better.

"She sacrificed herself for us. I won't let any more friends die." Naruto began to say and looked up. "Everyone is trapped in this white something and will die too if we don't do something about it. Hinari wanted to avoid this situation and tried to protect us! Even though we didn't have much to do with each other in the past, she was like me. Different. Hinari has become a very good friend and I don't want her life to be in vain!"

Tears flowed from his and Sakura's eyes. Sasuke had also listened to the Uzumaki and looked at Hinari. He realized that Naruto was right. But it pained him to know that he would never be able to see her happy face again. His eyes turned up to his Susanoo to reminisce. Not only Hinari came to his mind, but also Itachi, with whom he had also had wonderful moments.

"Come on Sasuke, I want to eat Onigir's!" Hinari called out, pulling the Uchiha along behind him. He was still training when Hinari simply interrupted him to go and eat. "I don't want to. I have to get stronger to..." "Don't be such an idiot! You can always train, but onigiri is only tasty when it's warm and fresh!"

Sasuke shook his head. "And your mother was so nice and bought everything for it!" Hinari smiled, making Sasuke smile himself.

It had been one of the last days before the massacre. It was also the last onigiri that Hinari had received from his mother. He exhaled softly and swallowed as another memory came to him.

"What a horrible smell!" grumbled seven-year-old Sasuke as he stepped into the bathroom. He knew the stench that always clung to Hinari. Only it wasn't as strong and bad as it was at that moment. "That's the cherry scent I always use." Hinari smiled and Sasuke looked at her in disgust. "It's far too sweet!" he grumbled. "I love the smell, but I can shower after you from now on." the girl laughed.

Yes, he had always hated the smell when he went into the bathroom. He had only liked it on Hinari herself. He had only noticed it when they had lived together in the apartment. But no matter how much he hated going into the bathroom after her, he had always let her go first. Right now, he had to pull himself together to keep from crying. Never again would he be able to smell that sweet cherry scent. Never again would he be able to scold her for it.

And that was exactly why tears were streaming from his eyes. Now he was truly alone, just as Naruto had been from the beginning. "Sasuke?" he heard the voice of his best friend. "We have to put an end to this!"

The Uchiha knew exactly what Naruto wanted to say and nodded. Together with him, he would defeat Madara Uchiha. Only then would he receive his just punishment. His punishment for Hinari having sacrificed herself because of him! He knew that Hinari, like Itachi and Shisui, wanted peace. His eyes turned to the Uchiha, who was holding Sakura gently in her arms.

"Hinari, I will bring you the peace you've been wishing for!"

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now