Chapter 15

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Hinari had mastered the genin exam without any problems. There were two simple jutsus, which she had already learned from Shisui. The doppelganger jutsu and the transformation jutsu. However, Hinari had made a shadow doppelganger on purpose, after all she was more advanced than many others.

Sasuke had also passed the exam and to celebrate this a little, which was Hinari's wish, Sasuke had invited her to Onigiri's. Although the Uchiha could cook to some extent, this was one of the things he couldn't manage. No matter how many times he had tried, he had always failed. Nobody came close to his mother's onigiri, not even the stalls in Konoha. Nevertheless, Hinari had been delighted when she had been able to bite into them.

The next day was the division of the teams. The Hokage himself had assigned the jonin, which Iruka now had to pass on to his students. The brown-haired man grinned slightly when he saw that everyone was really present. However, he hadn't noticed Ino and Sakura's bickering. However, he saw that Sakura was sitting between Naruto and Hinari, for whatever reason.

 Hinari had to pull herself together not to laugh again. Even if she could only see it with her small eyes, she had seen exactly what was going on between Sasuke and Naruto. A nudge had been enough for Naruto to tip forward and kiss Sasuke. She would probably tell them about this moment forever.

A small nudge on his part made Hinari laugh briefly. Although it was embarrassing and Sasuke wanted to forget it, he had to stifle his own laughter. Hinari was too cute to be angry with.

Iruka began to divide up the teams, which made Hinari concentrate more. So far she had heard a few numbers and names that she wasn't particularly interested in. "Let's move on to Team 7, which consists of Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha."

While Iruka had pronounced the names, Sakura had banged her head on the table with the Uzumaki, which was quickly back up with Sasuke. Someone should understand this girl. But Hinari was sad that she wasn't on a team with her best friend, who eyed her from the side. Even after Iruka's explanation of why Sakura was on the team with Naruto, she wasn't any happier. She was just as good as Sasuke, if not better. Was it because she was blind? Was she not allowed to become a kunoichi?

One by one, the other teams were formed, including Team 8 consisting of Hinata, Kiba and Shino and Team 10 which consisted of Ino, Choji and Shikamaru. But the division ended at this number, which meant that Hinari quickly stood up and was looked at. "What about me?" she asked, looking at her sensei who was looking at his list. "Well, there was a long discussion about you, Hinari. Many were against you being assigned to a team."

These words shook the class. How was Hinari not allowed to be in a team? She had passed the exam and was even top of the class alongside Sasuke. "But I passed the genin exam!" Hinari said loudly. She didn't want to accept that it was all for nothing. "Why did I do everything if I can't become a kunoichi?"

Her comrades lowered their eyes. They could all understand her. She had given her all over the last few years, despite her limitations. Why was she even allowed to take the exam if she wasn't allowed to continue?

"I don't understand sensei..." Hinari breathed, fixing her eyes on the table. It hurt to know that she was not accepted by her elders. "Hinari, the Hokage knows how much you've trained. But they're not sure if you can apply it to the missions. They are unsure about you."

A loud bang startled Hinari. Who was so angry right now? "Just screw it sensei! Hinari is a genin just like us and has a right to become a kunoichi! I may not be the best, but I know that Hinari is the best of us all! She fought for her dream! Trained until she came to terms with her blindness! Fuck what the Hokage and everyone else thinks! She has a right to have a team!"

The whole classroom was silent and Hinari looked to her right to see the furious Naruto. He was sticking up for her, even though he didn't really know her. "Naruto..." she breathed softly. She was touched by his words, even the class was taken aback by his behavior.

"Naruto..." "No sensei! No one has the right to forbid her to do that!" Iruka looked at the Uzumaki and exhaled. He should have known that he would react like this. He, who was always outcast himself. His eyes turned to Hinari and then back to the paper. Her name was at the bottom of the list with a big question mark.

According to the Hokage, Iruka was allowed to decide for himself what was right and what was wrong. He knew how hard Hinari had trained. He didn't want it all to be in vain. He closed his eyes for a moment to collect himself and finally exhaled.

"All right, Hinari. Naruto convinced me to assign you after all." Iruka began to speak and looked her straight in the eye. "You'll be part of Team 7 from today!"

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora