Chapter 97

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Hinari and Shikamaru's engagement did not remain a secret for long. Ino had almost shouted the whole village together in the alley when the couple walked through. Although you might have guessed it, Shikamaru was annoyed with his girlfriend for asking out loud. And less than a minute later, the two were surrounded by their friends.

"So, how did he ask you?" the women started talking, Hinari being quite overwhelmed. "Don't be annoying..." "Come on Shikamaru. You have to tell us what you did." came curiously from Kiba. "Now leave the two of them alone." Hinari looked to his right. Oh yes, Shino was still there. Somehow, like Sai, he was somewhat lost on her, as both were very quiet fellows. Although, Sai at least spoke more often, especially because he was with Ino.

"Tell me." Hinari heard and looked at Sakura. "Well, well...he tried to ask me with romantic words." Hinari mumbled. "Ohhh how sweet!" she exclaimed immediately and wanted to know what he had said. Hinari thought about it for a moment and smiled slightly embarrassed. "I stopped listening when he talked about the academy and my blindness."

The Uchiha was looked at incredulously from all sides. "Whaaaat!?" "Well, actually, she rather interrupted me." Shikamaru admitted, putting his hands in his trouser pockets and looking up at the sky. "And you said yes?" Lee asked, confused. "Yes, actually I would have said yes if he had asked me directly. Or in a game of shogi." Hinari explained and grinned. "You know him. Talking about so many feelings doesn't suit our lazy Shikamaru, who is always annoyed."

Her friends looked at her. What Hinari said was true. It wasn't like Shikamaru to talk so much. "So you redeemed him to keep talking?" asked TenTen, Hinari nodding. "Can you stop being annoying now?" the Nara asked, looking back at his friends.

"You're really impossible." Ino growled slightly and crossed her arms. "At least with something like this, you could have pulled yourself together." Hinari started to laugh and looked at the blonde and Sakura. "So I want to see your reaction if Sasuke or Sai were to do something like that."

Hinari was looked at with red heads. How could she say something like that now! "Me?" asked Sai, confused. "Yeah, your feelings are like Sasuke fit on a teaspoon., Sasuke probably wouldn't even really ask." Hinari pondered, which made Haruno even more embarrassed for her.

She loved her best friend but sometimes she was just mean! "Even Naruto would get it done sooner." With a red head, Hinata looked at her boyfriend, who was blushing himself. Hinari was mean now. "Hinariiiii!!!" Naruto grumbled immediately, making her laugh. "Now calm down. I just like teasing you today." Hinari smiled, took Shikamaru's hand and squeezed through her friends.

"Did you have to do that?" asked Shikamaru. "Yeah, sort of." she laughed and continued walking. The Nara shook his head slightly. Sometimes she really was like a toddler. However, he thought it was cute and wouldn't want to change that. "I have to let Sasuke know somehow." "Why don't you take a crow? They'll flutter around your head anyway."

Hinari looked at her fiancé with wide eyes. "That's it! Thank you!" Hinari beamed and gave him a kiss. She hadn't even thought of that. Itachi's crows were still on her side. Her gaze slid to the sky and she knew that her brothers were watching her.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant