Chapter 38

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In the middle of the night, Hinari woke up to the sounds that were coming from the apartment. What was Sasuke doing there? The Uchiha slowly sat up and heard the door being closed. Completely overwhelmed by the fact that Sasuke had left the apartment without saying anything, Hinari stood up. He always said that when he went to train. "Sasuke?" she asked and ran to his room. His bed was made and he had left his room tidy. The Uchiha looked around several times as best she could and realized that a picture had disappeared. It was a picture of her and Sasuke when they were little.

At that very moment, Hinari breathed in panic. "No..." she breathed and ran into her room to change into something better. With her hair a little messy, Hinari left the apartment and ran into the alleys of Konoha.

Not far from her, she sensed his chakra, which was leaving Konoha more and more. Hinari didn't hesitate for long and ran after him as fast as she could. Hinari had not seen Sakura lying unconscious on a bench. Her chakra and her goal were Sasuke alone. She was afraid, afraid of losing him.

His chakra followed her to a forest, which was already some distance away. Besides his chakra, she could sense some more. "And you're sure this pill will help me?" Sasuke asked. What kind of pill? What were they going to do with him?

"Sasuke!" Hinari called out as she reached them. His gaze automatically slid to the girl, who was looking at him in panic and fear. "Who do we have here?" said a strange voice, heading towards the girl. "Orochimaru will be happy to see two Uchihas."

"She's not coming with us." Sasuke said coolly and stopped the four-armed man from getting any closer. "Sasuke, what are you going to do?" asked Hinari, realizing that tears were coming to her eyes. Sasuke slowly walked towards the girl and tousled her hair before placing his hand on her cheek. "I have to go." he spoke softly to her. ", you can't go."

Sasuke closed his eyes. It hurt him to leave her alone. He remembered his last conversation with Kakashi. "Come on! Tell me who's important to you! Then I'll kill them all!" "Well, there's no one left. Besides, you have Hinari. Do you really want to leave her alone?"

Unfortunately, he had to leave her alone. Orochimaru was not a good person. He didn't want her in a place like this. "Hinari, I need to get stronger to defeat Itachi. I have to go." Hinari bit her lip hard.

Her tears did not diminish as her eyes tried to look into his. "Please, I...what am I supposed to do without you..." she breathed softly. She couldn't even tell him what Tsunade was up to. How was she supposed to cook without using the Sharingan? How should she pack her backpack? "Sasuke..." "Hinari, don't make this any harder for me."

Her hand automatically reached into his top and curled her fingers into it. "I'm not letting you go!" Her voice trembled while her hand did the same. She couldn't let him go. She didn't want to be alone. She was afraid of losing him. "I'm sorry, Hinari." she heard him say softly before she felt a blow on the back of her neck and toppled forward.

Sasuke held on tightly to her body, which came towards him. He had no choice but to knock her unconscious. He carefully placed her against the tree and brushed the tears from her face. It hurt to leave her alone.

"Let's go." he finally said and picked up the pill he had to take. As he swallowed it and climbed into the basket, he looked at Hinari one last time before it went dark around him. "I am sorry. We'll see each other again soon."

The next morning, a mission was called, which Shikamaru had to lead as the new chunin. Sakura had told them that Sasuke had left the village. To get more information, the jonin wanted to question Hinari, but she had disappeared herself. So Tsunade had to give another mission to Shikamaru, who panicked about Hinari for a moment. Why was she gone? She had nothing to do with Orochimaru.

The mission to bring Sasuke and Hinari back had top priority. Shikamaru was able to put together his own team, which consisted of Neji, Choji, Kiba, Akamaru and Naruto.

He didn't actually want to take Naruto with him at first, but the Uchiha were on his team. He knew best what the two of them were like. Unfortunately, Sakura had delayed the mission when she came to the gate, cried and asked Naruto to bring them back. Knowing Naruto, he had grinned and promised to bring them back.

While the team was still on the road, Shikamaru explained the plan again so that Naruto would really stick to it. "I can't believe Hinari went with me! I know her, she would never leave Konoha!" shouted Naruto. He was right about that. Why would Hinari just leave? "She...she probably wanted to stop Sasuke..." came quietly from the Uzumaki, which made Shikamaru sit up and take notice. Even if he liked Hinari, she couldn't have been stupid enough to come and get him on her own. Or could she?

A bark was heard from Akamaru, who picked up a scent. "What is it?" the Nara asked. "Akamaru smells a familiar scent. It's familiar to me too. definitely smells like sweet cherry." Kiba explained, smelling it again. Only someone could smell like that, Shikamaru knew that too. No one else, apart from Hinari, had such a strong scent.

He jumped along the branches as fast as he could. She had to be nearby! "Up ahead!" Neji, who had used the Byakugan, informed him. He could see a person in the middle of the forest. Without hesitation, Shikamaru jumped down the tree and ran the last few meters along the ground. "Hinari..." he whispered and quickly ran towards the Uchiha.

"Hey, Hinari!" he said a little louder and grabbed her shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes and Shikamaru exhaled in relief. She was fine.

"Sasuke..." she murmured softly and full of sorrow, breaking the hearts of everyone present. So Hinari really wanted to get Sasuke back alone. "We will get him back, Hinari." The nara spoke and was interrupted by a grinning Naruto.

"I promised Sakura I would get him back! Believe me Hinari, I'll do everything I can!" Tears flowed from her eyes again. "Thank you..."

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now