Chapter 41

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About a year passed in which Tsunade learned everything about Hinari's eyes. Day after day, she had to conduct examinations, examining the Sharingan and Mangeykou Sharingan so that she wouldn't damage these abilities. Hinari had gone through everything with a lot of patience and had never complained about it. She wanted to finally see and had done everything she could for it.

Hinari had also received the support of her friends. She had built up a very close relationship with Sakura. She could actually be called her best friend. She was always there for Hinari, just like Shikamaru. At last, Hinari could talk to Sakura without her only talking about herself or Sasuke. No one had heard anything more from Sasuke, but Hinari was now confident that he would come back.

All the others from the academy were also among Hinari's friends. Some more, some less, but everyone had offered Hinari help when she had needed it. Hinari had not changed her apartment. It was her home and when Sasuke came back, he was always welcome.

Just as Hinari was walking through the village with Shikamaru, a voice stopped her from going any further. "Hinari! You have to come to the hospital!" Sakura shouted before she arrived. "Why?" Breathing heavily, Sakura looked at her friend. "Tsunade she...she made it. You can have your operation today!"

Hinari's eyes widened. Had she just heard right? Tsunade had found a solution? Tears flowed from her eyes before she nodded and made her way to her as quickly as possible. Shikamaru had also accompanied the Uchiha and would wait until the operation was over.

As soon as Hinari arrived, she was greeted by Tsunade and invited inside. She didn't want to waste any more time and asked Sakura and Shikamaru to wait. Even though Sakura was making great progress, the senju didn't want her there. Her student would have too many emotions, which could lead to mistakes. Tsunade wanted to prevent this.

"Grandma Tsunade...?" she heard quietly from the girl lying in front of her. "Yes?" "I'm scared." Hinari spoke softly, seeing the dimming lights. "You don't need to be. Everything will be fine." Tsunade smiled and prepared everything. All the effort shouldn't have been in vain. Tsunade was confident that everything would be fine. "I'll see you in a few hours." Tsunade said before starting the operation and tending to her eyes.

It was black around Hinari when she woke up hours later. She didn't know how much chakra the senju had used to heal her eyes. She felt a slight stinging sensation in her eyes, which was certainly normal. But why was it dark? "Don't worry Hinari. There is a bandage wrapped around your eyes. You should keep it for a few days so that your eyes can heal in peace."

Hinari lifted her head and smiled slightly before nodding. So did that mean it had worked? "You slept for a whole day." Sakura giggled slightly when she saw the tired smile. A day? No matter how many days it was, Hinari was happy and would wear this bandage for as long as it took.

On the third day with the bandage, Hinari sat on her favorite bench. Getting her bearings was no problem at all. After all, she had hardly seen anything before. She enjoyed the silence that surrounded her until she heard a noise next to her.

Smiling, Hinari raised her arm so that the crow could perch on it. "Nah Itachi, are you worried again?" she asked, laughing lightly. Ever since Sasuke had left the village, this crow had been appearing again and again. A small crowing could be heard, which led her to conclude that it really was. Smiling, Hanari stroked the crow's chest.

"That's what I said, a bird whisperer." came from Shikamaru, who simply sat down next to her. He had often seen the girl with this bird. "Hm, maybe because the crow wants to see what you're up to." Hinari smirked and received a skeptical look from the Nara. "Nah, if you say so. I like to remind you that you almost poisoned yourself when you tried to cook alone."

A noise was heard from the crow, which sounded more like laughter to Hinari. She looked away, pouting. Now that was mean. The crow fluttered its wings before pecking Hinari on the forehead and scurrying away.

Hinari automatically began to smile. Even Itachi's crows made this gesture. Itachi was glad that Hinari was all right, especially with this Shikamaru. He would never have thought that someone like that could love Hinari so much. Yes, Itachi had noticed Shikamaru's feelings. He was pleased that he accepted Hinari as she was. Like everyone else, he hoped that Tsunade could really help her.

When the time was up, Hinari sat in the hospital again. Today she would finally get rid of this bandage. By now it was just annoying. "Please open your eyes slowly and tell me if it hurts." Tsunade asked, taking the bandage off her now.

Hinari was nervous and had lowered her head. Shikamaru's hands automatically clasped hers to encourage her. The Uchiha breathed out softly and slowly opened her eyes.

Although she had only opened a small crack, she could see four hands. Her own and Shikamaru's. Tears ran from her eyes as they opened wider and wider. The tears increased, but not out of sadness. They were tears of joy, which Hinari had for the first time since her birth. Her head slowly rose and her eyes looked directly into Shikamaru's, which widened. Her eyes looked directly into his without the gray dots they always had. Her eyes shimmered, showing emotion, as was normal for any human.

Automatically, Shikamaru put his forehead to hers to calm her down a little. There were so many emotions going on inside her that she didn't know what to say. Sakura and Tsunade looked at her tensely, while Hinari was fixated on Shikamaru. His forehead on hers gave her so much warmth. Her lips quivered and she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment before she pulled herself together to say something.

The whole room could only hear one thing she said through her tears "I...I can see..." Hinari breathed softly.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now