Chapter 82

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Hinari crashed to the ground several times after Madara caught her. Blood trickled down her forehead as she slowly tried to get up. Shaking, Hinari stood up again when Shikamaru called for her. She couldn't give up. Not now, while her team was doing their best to win.

Madara looked at the young woman with amusement. "You should give up." "Never!" Hinari replied and exhaled. What she had once learned from Naruto was never to give up. Her eyes closed before she slowly opened them again and activated her Mangekyou Sharingan. "Oh, that could still be interesting." Madara murmured before activating his Mangekyou Sharingan as well.

They stared into each other's eyes before activating their Susanoo at the same time. From a distance, they could only watch as the small skeleton grew larger and formed a protective shield consisting of armor. The susanoos looked on in amazement, but their eyes were fixed on Hinari's. Only a few knew that she had this ability, but no one was allowed to see it yet. Except for Shikamaru. He had seen it when Pain had attacked. But he had only been allowed to see the first form that had saved her life.

The red-yellow color enveloped Hinari's body, giving her new strength. Madara's eyes widened as he recognized her full Susanoo holding a sword. He also noticed that hers was bigger and exuded an incredible warmth. But it also made him angry. He was Madara Uchiha! No one should be stronger than him! Only someone could stand up to him. An opponent he would accept.

Hashirama Senju

But this was a young woman who mocked him! He would never lose to someone like that! So Madara only used more chakra, which Hinari did the same. Now it was Susanoo against Susanoo. The large blades clashed against each other and repeatedly released pressure waves that threw the shinobi off their feet.

It was a spectacle that had never been seen before. Hashirama also watched the fight in amazement. There really was someone who could compete with Madara. This Uchiha must have trained a lot.

The blades clashed again and the Susanoos struck with their free hand. Hinari began to sway slightly, but this soon subsided. She had to withstand the pressure, even if it took until morning.

Hinari realized that she had hardly any chakra left and now had no choice but to use her last trump card. She concentrated firmly on the free hand of her susanoo, which now formed a ball. The heat shot out, reaching the entire alliance.

Sweat poured down her forehead, which even the Kage as Edo Tensei could feel. Madara was also enveloped by this heat wave, even though he had protection around him. Naruto realized what Hinari was doing and widened his eyes. He knew exactly what had happened the last time. Back then, only a small bullet had burned almost the whole area. But if she used it to this extent, she would burn everything around her. "Hinari don't do it!" the Uzumaki shouted as her Rasengan grew bigger and bigger. "Naruto, what's wrong?" Sakura asked in a panic.

"She's not allowed to use the advanced Rasengan!" shouted Naruto. "Kakashi said that this heat was hotter than the sun! It would burn everything around it!" The Alliance now knew what was going on and tried to cool the air around them with their water jutsus. But there was nothing left but vapor rising into the air.

The heat poured over the entire battlefield until it reached the still-healing Kage. Tsunade was the first to realize what was happening and widened her eyes. "Hinari..."

"What's going on?" asked the Raikage, who was already visibly sweating. "This heat comes from Hinari Uchiha. She's using the extended form of the grass goose." Tsunade said and explained to the Kage what it would mean for the world. Hinari would devour everything with fire.

Hinari's body trembled and she realized that she had to use her Rasengan now. Madara's Susanoo began to crumble, while hers only gained more color. She realized that it would soon be over and had to think about what would happen if she threw the bullet at Madara. But that was her only chance to put him out of action for a while.

While she concentrated her chakra, Hinari turned around in her Susanoo. Her eyes fixed on the alliance, which could barely stand. Hinari closed her eyes briefly before she opened them again and chakra built up around the shinobi. She knew why Itachi and Shisui had given her some chakra. She used her power to give everyone a susanoo to protect them from this heat. While some received his orange Susanoo, others received a green one.

Sasuke recognized his brother's Susanoo and widened his eyes as he looked at Hinari. He remembered what Itachi had shown him. Before his death, he had also given her chakra. What was she up to? While the alliance was enveloped, the Juubi kept his distance. He sensed that something was coming towards him and turned to face the danger. He roared out loud when he saw the black-haired woman.

It quickly became clear what his target was. "Hinari!" Shikamaru shouted loudly and looked into her eyes. The corners of her mouth lifted gently as tears fell from her eyes. "You promised!" he called out, which Hinari understood perfectly. Yes, she had promised to take care of herself and not put herself in danger. But she would do anything to protect her friends.

When she saw the five Kage coming with Orochimaru, Karin and two other ninjas, she wrapped them in a susanoo as well. The heat wave would go no further than the battlefield to protect all the villages. Hinari began to cough and took a deep breath.

Her eyes first met Sasuke's before she looked at Shikamaru. She smiled softly at both of them and opened her mouth. "Forgive me..." she breathed softly before she used her Rasengan, which shot towards Madara. Behind her back, a large fire grew bigger and bigger.

"I did it for all of you for the future..." Hinari thought. "For the peace that my brother and Itachi wanted."

Shikamaru and Sasuke could only watch as the fire came closer and closer and Hinari was engulfed by it. "Hinari!" they both screamed before the heat wave engulfed the whole alliance and the Juubi as well.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now