Chapter 83

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After it went black for the whole alliance because of the fire, it all started to dissipate after a few minutes. The Juubi screamed in pain and could barely move. The shinobi realized that the heat had disappeared and everything around them looked like the remains of a lava eruption. The ground was cracked and black. Several large chunks of stone had partially melted away. They realized how dangerous it would have been if they hadn't been wrapped in this susanoo. But how could they have survived? Was this attack only meant for the Juubi?

"Did Madara survive!?" asked one of the alliance members, looking around. Only the roar of the Juubi could be heard again and again as he tried to sit up. At that moment, Shikamaru looked around in panic. The Susanoo that had protected him was beginning to disintegrate, as were all the others.

His head turned towards the still forming cloud of smoke that was rising from the place where Hinari was. His eyes fixed on the spot and inwardly he prayed that she herself had survived. "Byakugan." he heard Neji say and hoped that the Hyuga could see his girlfriend. "A person is moving!" he informed and the whole alliance looked towards the cloud of smoke.

They didn't have to wait long for the person to come out. His eyes widened as Madara Uchiha stepped out. Several blisters had formed on his skin and parts of his clothes were torn and burnt. Blood was running down his forehead and it didn't look like he would survive. Just then, Kakashi and Obito, who were in another dimension, appeared and opened their eyes. What had happened here?

"Madara!" shouted Hashirama and was looked at by his best friend. While one of his right eyes had the normal Sharingan, the Rinnegan had formed in his left eye. Hashirama realized how he had survived this attack. He had used the Rinnegan to block some of the fire.

"I...I will...bring peace...I will not lose!" Madara shouted out of breath and looked at the Juubi, who roared loudly and finally transformed. The Juubi grew bigger and bigger and formed a tall pillar on its back which slowly grew into a tree. It became clear what was going to happen. The Juubi had transformed into nothing other than the tree of the gods.

Breathing heavily, Madara looked at the cloud of smoke, which was slowly dissipating. It was admirable how strong this young woman was. If he hadn't had the Rinnegan, she would have won.

The corners of his mouth lifted briefly as he thought about the fact that she should have fought on his side. If Obito had realized what the Uchiha could do, he should have brought her to Akatsuki. But now it was too late. The Uchiha would never come to his side. His hand rested on the finished god tree, which gave him renewed strength. His body regenerated, and he also began to change. The Alliance could only watch as his skin turned white and he was now a completely different being.

But there was no time for Shikamaru. His eyes focused once more on the clearing smoke. His body trembled as he slowly realized how a person was lying on the ground, no longer moving. "H..Hinari..." he breathed, which Sasuke heard loud enough. His eyes looked in the same direction to open them wide. "No..."

A beeping noise could be heard, as well as voices that sounded panicked. Hinari didn't understand that they were calling for her. Her body ached as she lay on her stomach on the charcoal floor. Her eyes were slightly open, the slight reddish color of the sharingan still visible. Her eyes looked to the alliance that had survived, causing her to lift the corners of her mouth briefly.

Her Susanoo barely managed to save her before she died in her own jutsu. At that moment, she was grateful to Itachi and Shisui that she had received some chakra from them. But she realized that there was nothing more she could do and that it was reckless to use the Rasengan. She had only done it for peace.

However, she had noticed that the Juubi was now in Madara's body. He had survived her jutsu, even though it wasn't planned that way. She hadn't managed to stop him from continuing with the plan.

"Hinari!" she heard her name. It sounded like she was in a bubble, which was soundproof, but she could still recognize the direction and the voice calling for her. "Shikamaru..."

Hinari tried to open her eyes a little more and looked straight into his. He gazed fixedly at her, hoping to see that she was all right. But she wasn't. Hinari was tired and exhausted. Her breathing was shallow and slow. Tears leaked from her eyes to show him that she was not feeling well at all. Her left hand gripped the ground, which didn't feel like that at all anymore. This made Shikamaru realize that he couldn't stand still any longer. Without hesitation, he ran off. "Hinari!"

Hinari looked silently at the approaching body. Her Sharingan dissipated more and more and Hinari panicked for a brief moment. Shikamaru, who was running towards her, was shrouded in a dark color. Hinari could only see a shadow approaching her. Had she made a mistake? Had she lost her sight because she wanted to protect her friends?

Hinari could no longer think about this when the shadow was right in front of her. A warm hand placed itself on her cheek as she was gently lifted up and pressed against a warm body. A green light appeared above her eyes, which she had seen before. Back then, it must have been the midwife who had examined her eyes. "Hinari urgently needs to go to hospital!" she heard a familiar voice say. Who was that?

"Hinari, hang in there." Shikamaru begged, holding her tightly. But he couldn't hold her any longer, as Madara already had other plans. "Watch out!" the woman's voice called out before Hinari's body hit the ground and, out of the corner of her eye, all she could make out was a white something where Shikamaru was.

"Hinari! No, Hinari!" the Nara shouted as he struggled and his eyes were fixed on his girlfriend, who was looking at him with dull eyes. "No..." he breathed as he saw her eyes close before she was shrouded in a susanoo and he himself only recognized darkness.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora