Chapter 79

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While the brothers were fighting Kabuto, Hinari had other problems on the way to Naruto. White Zetsus kept appearing and getting in her way so that she couldn't get any closer. Hinari used her katana to slice through any body that got in her way.

Breathing heavily, Hinari leaned against a tree after a few minutes. Her body trembled even though she still had enough chakra. However, her body felt heavy as it had taken a lot of strength to fight the Zetsus. Although she wanted to get to Naruto, she probably had to take a little break in the hope that they wouldn't attack her.

Slowly, the Uchiha sank to the ground and looked up at the sky, which had turned a reddish color. She wasn't sure how long the war had been going on. Had it been two or three days?

Hinari took some food pills from her kuna bag, which she threw into her mouth and ate. It would certainly be difficult to find anything edible during this time. All the fighting and explosions also scared away the animals that had left their homes out of fear. There wasn't even a river nearby where fish could be found, so Hinari had to pop food pills to at least have something in her stomach. And she certainly wasn't the only one.

Just as Hinari was about to close her eyes a little, she heard a noise, which made her look up. A Sharingan eye was looking in her direction, so she was confused. Hinari hadn't sensed any chakra and from the looks of it, it wasn't her brother's Sharingan either. The crow fluttered its wings before approaching Hinari. Her eyes fixed on the black bird and laughed softly. "Well, well, Kabuto has revived you too."

The crow fluttered its wings again and pecked lightly at her forehead with its beak. "I'm doing well. I was able to defeat Shisui." Hinari smiled and pecked the crow over the head. She briefly explained what had happened and why she was sitting here. Itachi really didn't have to worry about her. Out of relief, the crow fluttered its wings again before slightly destroying the Uchiha's hair with its claws and flying away. "Hey!" she called after him, puffing out her cheeks. He could at least have done it so that she didn't have to tie her hair up again. However, she still couldn't help but smile.

At that moment, when the crow had left the Uchiha, the brothers had managed to come up against Kabuto, who now stood frozen in front of them. Itachi had locked him in an eternal genjutsu in which everything was repeated until Kabuto finally came to his senses. But it was unclear how long this would take.

Finger signs were formed, which Itachi indicated to his opponent and finally dissolved the Edo Tensei when their palms came together. Sasuke looked at his brother sadly. Now he would really never see his brother again.

Itachi slowly walked towards his little brother and smiled. With his Sharingan, which he now used against Sasuke, he told his little brother everything he needed to know. He told him all the memories, feelings and thoughts he had had since childhood. Why he had thought about life and death and why he did everything to make Sasuke hate him. He showed him the moments with Hinari and Shisui, the mission he did for the Hokage. His actions in the massacre and why he was with Akatsuki. He showed him that he was always with him and Hinari. Everything Sasuke needed for his decision, Itachi showed him in this genjutsu.

When Sasuke regained consciousness and looked at his brother, who was still running towards him, his heart raced faster than ever. Itachi's arm lifted and Sasuke automatically closed his eyes, knowing what was coming. As always, his brother would tap his fingers on his forehead. But this did not happen while Itachi spoke and was close enough.

Sasuke opened his eyes when he felt another on his forehead and widened his eyes when he looked into Itachi's eyes. "No matter which path you choose, I will love you forever." Itachi said with a smile before dissolving and rising from the strange body like Shisui. With a smile on his face, Itachi looked at his little brother for the last time before his spirit disappeared forever.

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