Chapter 81

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Madara's Sharingan stared into Hinari's. She had no intention of using her Mangekyou Sharingan yet. What she did do, however, was channel her lightning chakra into her katana to knock his weapon away from her with more force. Madara quickly jumped back a little and lifted the corners of his mouth. He found it amusing that his best friend was being protected by a woman. But he hadn't thought she would stand up to him.

"Hinari, don't do anything stupid!" a boy with dark hair shouted. Madara had already noticed that there was something between them and started laughing slightly. "Your boyfriend?" he asked directly, which Hinari wouldn't answer. Right now it was far too risky to reveal anything about herself. And so Hinari decided to look at her counterpart as any Uchiha would.

No emotions or feelings were visible and Hinari had to admit that it was quite difficult for her. However, she had to do it to protect her friend. While her friends were discussing the Hokagettiel and Sasuke had appeared, Hinari lifted the corners of her mouth. With Sasuke, Naruto could take care of the Juubi while Sakura would support her. Hinari herself only had to distract Madara until her team had the Juubi under control, although the Hokage would certainly be of great help.

Madara looked at the young woman, slightly angry. She had planned something that was not good. His eyes turned to the group behind her and dashed forward. Madara was so fast that not even Naruto could see what was going on. Only Hinari, who could see it with her Sharingan, also spoke up and was able to throw the Uchiha away from her friends with her fist before he could hit her.

"I'll distract him. Take care of this Juubi until then." Hinari simply said and ran towards Madara, who immediately had to dodge her katana. "Hinari!" Sasuke shouted and gulped when he saw what she was doing for the Alliance. He didn't want her to fight Madara alone and was interrupted by Naruto. "We have to trust her." , he said and stood on the stone. "Team 7 is reunited!", Naruto grinned and looked at Hinari, who seemed to have everything under control.

"Fire style, fire dragon!" the Uchiha shouted, before a fire dragon formed in the air and engulfed everything around it, forcing Madara to dodge several times. He had never felt such a hot fire before and immediately hurled back a fireball, which was not exactly small. With a pike Hinari jumped to the side, stood up again and formed finger signs once more.

Since the dragon was not big enough, she used her fire tornado by adding a little chakra from her lightning element. A rising tornado formed on the battlefield, which also enveloped the Juubi, which Hinari had not planned. A roar could be heard before the juubi fired a bijuu ball that smashed into the ground.

Hinari and Madara were narrowly missed, but the tornado of fire could no longer be seen in full size. The Alliance could only watch the battle, not knowing exactly what to do. Team 7 was busy with the four Hokagen with the Bijuu, while Hinari took care of Madara. Not even Shikamaru knew what he could do at that moment. His friend had put herself in danger and he didn't know how he could help her. Several thoughts flashed through his mind. He was afraid of losing her, just like his father.

No one knew what other jutsus Madara could do. And even if Hinari was an Uchiha, she wouldn't last forever. A large explosion was set off when Naruto and Sasuke attacked the Juubi. The wind and fire combination hadn't worked on him. It had only made the Juubi even angrier, who raged around. Just then, several Zetsus came running towards the Alliance, waiting for the right moment. Now the Alliance would probably have to intervene themselves and do everything they could to protect their comrades.

"Chanarooo!" Sakura shouted, before slamming her fist into the ground, causing the entire ground to crumble. "Remind me never to make her angry again..." Naruto muttered to his best friend, who could only nod. Yes, he really shouldn't make the Haruno angry. His eyes turned briefly to Hinari, who was putting up a brave fight. "Hang in there." Sasuke begged, clenching his hands into fists.

He could never allow anything to happen to Hinari. She deserved to have a future. She had understood what Itachi and Shisui wanted to do. He had only realized it when he had heard the story of the first Hokage. The reason why Konoha existed. Hinari had known all along what it meant to have peace. She had understood and chosen the right path. Now it was time for Sasuke to take the right path and so he had sided with the alliance. He would try to follow Hinari and take Itachi and Shisui as examples for his new path.

He gritted his teeth and glared angrily at the Juubi. He would never allow him to destroy his path. Just as he was about to launch an attack, all he heard was the panicked shout of Shikamaru.


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