Chapter 62

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Hinari looked at him in shock. What had she just said! That couldn't be possible! "What are you talking about?" Choji asked. "She's right." Kakuzu grinned and explained why he had them. One heart for each chakra element. However, he only had four, as Kakashi had destroyed his fifth with the chidori. Shikamaru had not planned for this and gritted his teeth. "What a bummer!"

Hinari looked at Shikamaru, who was still busy with Hidan. Unfortunately, he could no longer help them. He had to get Hidan away from here as quickly as possible. Kakashi also realized this, because this way they had the chance to destroy one of the many hearts. "Water style, water wave!" Kakuzu spoke and a huge water wave came towards the team. "Earth hideout, mud wall," shouted Kakashi, who erected a high wall to let the water bounce off.

Hinari looked at Kakashi's bag, which contained the ampoule. Shikamaru absolutely had to get it. Without hesitation, she reached into his bag and ran off. "Hinari!" shouted the jonin, who was immediately separated from the Uchiha by a jutsu. The jonin quickly retreated and took off his jonin vest, which was burnt. He had no choice but to fight alone.

Again and again, Hinari dodged the jutsus that came at her. These black figures were a nuisance. It wasn't far to Shikamaru, who dodged Hidan. He saw in the corner of his eye what Hinari was doing and bit his lip. "Hinari, that's not according to plan!"

Even though Shikamaru knew his girlfriend only meant well, it was bad that she came to him. Laughing, Hidan looked at the boy. "Do you care about this little girl?" Shikamaru looked at his counterpart, slightly angry. "If that's the case." he said and jumped down from the pillar of earth. "Hinari!"

The Uchiha looked up and slid to the ground as something red shot towards her. Just barely, the scythe whizzed over her head. Hinari breathed out heavily and backed away further and further until Shikamaru landed next to her. "You idiot!" he said and saw the corners of her mouth lift. He saw that she had something glassy in her hand and widened his eyes. Of course, he needed the ampoule to continue the plan. Hinari only wanted to help him. "Don't die, yes." Hinari asked her friend before she shot a fireball at Hidan, put the vial in her friend's hand and left.

Shikamaru looked after his friend gratefully and bound the Nukenin with his shadow. Without hesitation, he ran off with him until the forest came closer and closer. Hidan looked at him with a laugh. "As if you could defeat me on your own!" The corners of the Nara's mouth lifted as he came to a halt in the middle of the forest and turned to Hidan. His shadow disappeared between the trees and immediately had to dodge the red scythe.

Blood splattered around, which Hidan pulled towards him with the scythe. Grinning, he licked the tip of his weapon. His skin changed into the skeleton he always got when he licked blood. With his foot he drew the symbol of the Jashinists and drew a sword. "Now I've got you!" laughed Hidan and stabbed.

Shikamaru screamed and sank to his knees. He had to play along until this Nukenin lost his appetite. Hidan continued to stab, laughing and laughing. He really enjoyed watching his victims suffer. "That's the end!" he shouted happily and widened his eyes when Shikamaru stopped moving. "What..." the Nukenin breathed and looked straight into the boy's face.

"Jutsu of the familiar spirit!" Shikamaru shouted and let his shadow shackles shoot out, binding Hidan's body. The earth beneath Hidan crumbled, creating a large hole with several letter bombs attached. "What is this?" Hidan yelled. "I'll explain it to you." Shikamaru raised the corners of his mouth and explained his plan. "That wasn't my blood, it was your partner's."

Hidan looked at his opponent with wide eyes. How could he have planned it all out like that? Shikamaru's hand rose, holding Asuma's lighter in his hand and igniting it. Shortly afterwards, the Nara felt a light breeze and a tingling sensation on his shoulder. "Well done."

Shikamaru smiled, dropped Hidan into the hole and shot the lighter down, causing several explosions. Relieved, he closed his eyes. "Asuma, I did it."

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now