Chapter 93

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The people present widened their eyes. Even Sasuke was surprised that Hinari became angry and loud. "You should have just been more concerned with our clan! You could have just talked to us instead of having everyone slaughtered! If you had listened to our clan more and let them make more decisions, it would never have come to this! I don't care what you think of our clan right now, but Sasuke is not a bad person! Yes, he has made many mistakes, but that doesn't mean there's nothing good in him!" Hinari began to shout loudly and was far from finished, no matter who tried to intervene.

"Sasuke is my family! Without him, I would have been lost for years! He was there for me more than I was for him, even though he had lost as much as I had! You don't know him like I do! Yes, he is an idiot who shows no feelings towards you but he does towards me! Yes, it hurt me that he went to Orochimaru and left me alone! But I always knew that he would come back and we could be a family again!" Hinari exhaled once and looked down at her feet. "When I was still blind, he did everything he could to make sure I was okay. He looked after me, protected me. Even though he hates taking a shower after me because it smells of sweet cherry, he always let me go first. He reprimanded the others at the academy because they laughed at me when I didn't know the answer because I couldn't see them." Hinari now spoke more quietly and bit her lip slightly.

Sakura and Naruto remembered that day. Sasuke had shouted at the girls that they shouldn't laugh. She was right about everything Hinari said. "When we were at Orochimaru's hideout, he was trying to protect me. He thought Konoha had done something to me because my eyes had changed. No matter what Sasuke said or did, it was never directed at me. Sasuke is a good person, even if you don't see it the way I do." the Uchiha finished. She had no strength left to say anything. But she hoped that she could do something with it.

Sasuke had listened to her every word and felt the pain she was in. He had never understood her thoughts and actions. But now he knew that Hinari would never leave him alone, that he was her family that was left. "Please don't take him away from me..." Hinari breathed softly, which hurt him even more. But it was not his decision what happened to him now.

Tsunade nodded gratefully to the Uchiha and had no further objections or questions. She had to decide now, although she had known what she was going to do for a long time. She knew Team 7 and Naruto would riot if she said the wrong thing. "Thank you for your time. I'll consult with the others and let you know the decision." Tsunade said and ended the negotiation.

Outside the door, Team 7 was greeted by their friends. " And?" Lee asked the group, which Sakura answered. She didn't leave anything out, not even Hinari's outburst. "You what!?" asked TenTen. "You really yelled at the elders!?"

"I was just telling the truth." Hinari murmured and felt a warm body against hers. "That's a good thing." "Whaaat? But Shikamaru, these are the elders!" Ino shouted. How could he take it like that? "Don't shout like that, Ino." grumbled the Nara and glared at her.

"It was about telling the truth in order to make the right decision. And if we're honest, it's really the elders' fault about the massacre." Ino looked at her friend and nodded. Yes, she remembered what Hinari had said. The Uchiha clan would still be alive if Itachi hadn't had to kill them.

"When will we know what Tsunade decided?" Hinata asked slightly shyly. "We don't know that. But I think she'll make the right decision." Sakura smiled. She was confident that everything would be fine. "Yes, Grandma Tsunade will be fine!" grinned Naruto.

Hinari began to smile slightly. Yes, she had to trust Tsunade now and hope for the best.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now