Chapter 3

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Hinari woke up quite early the next morning. She didn't know why, but she was determined to train. Her main goal was to learn more about chakra and thus put her limitations to one side. For this reason, the little girl ran out of her room, already dressed, to go to the opposite room.

"Shisui-Nii?" she asked quietly as she walked closer to his bed. "Hmm?" she heard immediately and began to smile. He had probably already woken up when she left her own bed. "Are we practicing?"

"Hinari, it's early..." Shisui mumbled tiredly. Right after he came back from his mission, he had picked Hinari up to go straight to bed after she had fallen asleep. "Pleeeeeease." Hinari repeated this word over and over again. Shisui already knew that she was looking at him with a slight pout.

He could never resist her with that look. The Uchiha exhaled softly, turned around and looked into her face. A smile could be seen, which Shisui always received. "It's all right, sunshine. Let's get something to eat and then we can go."

Hinari looked happily at her brother and ran out of his room. She was aware that he still needed some time to get dressed. For this reason, Hinari entered the kitchen to prepare the food. Unfortunately, this still proved to be difficult, because despite all the practise she had no idea exactly what to do.

She was not tall enough to reach the cutlery, plates or glasses. She was able to open the fridge without any problems, but the light blinded her slightly. She gently scanned the shelves to look for the eggs. As the light blinded her, she couldn't see much with the healthy edges of her eyes, which Hinari no longer felt was a problem.

She had resigned herself to being blind forever. "Hinari, I told you not to do anything in the kitchen." Shisui spoke softly and looked at his little sister, who put her head on the fridge. "But I want to help you..."

"I know, little one. But for this, you still have a lot to learn." he smiled and tousled her hair. Unfortunately, Hinari had to admit defeat and leave everything to her brother. "But you can set the table." Shisui said and handed the dishes to his little sister, who happily took on the task. Even if the dishes were not always set correctly, Shisui never said anything about it. It made him a friend when Hinari could use it to motivate herself. If only her parents could now see how Hinari was developing. How nice it would have been to see their daughter blossom like this.

The two Uchihas walked around the neighborhood to go to the training grounds. But on the way, Shisui had already given his sister several tasks. She had to try to follow him with her chakra and report to him when something seemed strange to her. Sometimes she had to tell him how many people were standing in the tea store or how many were talking in a circle. It was very tiring for Hinari at first, but over time she got better and better at these tasks.

Some of the residents greeted her, and Hinari always smiled and waved warmly. She quickly won the hearts of the Uchiha, even though she could barely see. But as in every clan, there were people who were not liked or who did not consider Hinari to be a real Uchiha. Shisui had quickly taught her that every shinobi, every person was special. No one should tell her who she should be.

Although Hinari had a lot of training, she realized how exhausting it all was. Her still small feet followed in her brother's larger tracks. Slowly, she could barely perceive his chakra and therefore walked a little slower. All around her, she could feel the wind blowing through her long hair. The smell of grass reached her nose. The noise made by her feet was nowhere near as loud as on the streets. This made it even more difficult to perceive the chakra, which she usually channeled into her feet.

Like most people who were blind, she also used the vibrations. So she could support the little vision she had with her eyes. "Nii-san..." she murmured, slightly exhausted. Shisui turned around questioningly and realized how tired Hinari was getting. They should have gotten some more sleep. Even if he wanted to go back, he couldn't. He had been watching Itachi Uchiha train for days.

He had never seen him play with friends. Shisui found him interesting and would like it if he had a friend. "Come here." Shisui smiled and squatted down slightly. Hinari already realized what he was up to and smiled. Her short arms wrapped around his neck while her legs clung lightly to his sides.

"Get some rest, little sunshine." her brother said, Hinari resting her chin lightly on his shoulders. "I'll be fit next time, I promise."

Shisui was touched by her words. Why was she apologizing for something like that? It was clear that a little girl couldn't do that much yet. She was already proud of herself and that would never change.

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now