"But really Misun, is there someone you're perhaps in love with?" Boreum asked, wiggling her eyebrows, but Misun still didn't know the final answer to that.

"Hm, I don't know?" She lied again for the sake of not getting teased. Misun couldn't possibly tell them now that it was Lee Heeseung. "Thanks for explaining it to me, Hayun. I'm gonna go wash this off." She said, pointing at her face.

Misun was the first to go to Okemia's bathroom. They all watched her as her figure disappeared and all huddled with one another. They made sure to whisper so she wouldn't hear them.

"Who do you guys think it is?" Dasom wouldn't believe the fact that she didn't know if she was in love.

"Who else? It's probably Heeseung." They tried to keep their voices down, but failed with an overly excited Okemia. "You should've seen them the other night, they were holding each other's pinkies!"

"Isn't that so cute?!" Boreum shushed her, hearing the faucet in the bathroom turn off.

"It's definitely him, our Misun has finally opened her heart for him." They all made an 'aw' sound along with Hayun pretending to wipe away tears.

Misun exited the bathroom seeing them all smile suspiciously. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing!" The four other girls had a sly smirk seeing Misun and knowing who she was slowly falling for. Misun doesn't know it herself yet.


All the girls in Okemia's room had been fully asleep, except Misun. On the bed were Okemia, Dasom, and Hayun. On the floor with sheets laid out was Boreum and Misun. It had been twenty minutes since she had tried had to snooze off.

She knew the exact reason why she couldn't sleep, it was him she kept thinking about. No matter how smart the girl is, she just couldn't figure out the whole scenario in her head. Misun grunted from the silent torture and gaslit herself into thinking she couldn't sleep because of the floor. That was hardly a believable reason, seeing Boreum knocked out like a light along with hearing snores.

Misun risen up from the floor and headed downstairs. She remembered how she bought a small strawberry milk carton from the other day. Standing in front of the fridge, she tried looking for it. She rummaged through all the crevices and didn't find it.

"What are you looking for?"

"God!" Sitting on the high stools next to the island counter was Heeseung. He scared her practically because none of the lights were on, and only relied on the refrigerator light.

"Why are you sitting there in the dar-"

"Oh." When she saw what was in Heeseung's hand, she changed her expression to one of disappointment. She wanted her strawberry milk, and he had it.

Misun stared at with Heeseung, eyes following at his hand, "Was this yours?"

She nodded, lowering her head a bit and looking a bit sad. Misun hadn't seen his face, but he was very saddened too. He felt that he should've asked first. He got up from his chair quickly, causing Misun to be disrupted.

She observed him getting up, going to the trash bin, and throwing away the milk. Misun's mouth opened and her eyebrows pulled closer together. "W- why did you throw it away?"

Without hesitation, Heeseung followed the way to her and grabbed her hand. "Let's go to the convenience store, we'll get more snacks."

"Really?" It seemed like she really wanted that milk, Heeseung judging from her bubbly smile.

There was a second of him staring at her, with his eyes softening the more he looked at her. "Mhm, sorry I drank your milk by the way." Misun waved her hand in front of her, signaling that it was okay since she'd be getting more snacks.

The two were walking along the streets. It was quiet mostly due to the fact that it was almost two in the morning, lots of people were probably sleeping. Misun realized she should have worn a sweater. She didn't even have the time since Heeseung just dragged her along. She shivered and clutched her arms. A special someone noticed and took of his jacket for her.

Heeseung was about to say something about the gesture, but then realized she wouldn't accept it. s
So instead, he waited until she was a few steps ahead of him and placed it around her shoulders.

"Thank you, but what about you?" She asked, putting her arms in the sleeves.

"I'll be fine, your warmth is more important." It was as if misun was going to pass out because of the way she was shocked and flustered.

"H- huh?" She wanted to make sure she wasn't going crazy and just hearing things.

"Nothing, come on." Heeseung said, grabbing the hood of her jacket and pulling it over her head. She was left there with no vision as he ran ahead with a blush and smile on his face.


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