Chapter 5

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Your boyfriend is really big below (campus np high h) Author: sister-in-law volunteered

Flower holes spit honey

Chapter 5
Li Yin woke up, and when she opened her eyes, she saw her sky-blue bedroom, and Song Yeye was sleeping peacefully beside her.
It was dawn, and she returned to her body.
The events of last night were still clearly in her mind. Can't think, as long as she thinks, she can't help but recall the feeling of the teenager's burning meat stick when it vibrates and collides in her body.
The real feeling, the joyful experience, made it impossible for her to think of it as a dream.
Thinking about it, the flower hole involuntarily began to contract, spitting out sticky liquid, and the heart of the leg was a little wet.
It should be true, right?
She thought unsurely.
Could it be that Sichun had an overly realistic spring dream after that...
Li Yin's cheeks were red, and she quickly shook her head, banishing the humiliating picture from her mind.
The two of them had a simple breakfast and rushed to school.
When she got on the bus, she received a text message from her mother.
[Uncle Xiao has returned to China, I asked him to go to our house to take care of you for a few days. ] As soon as
Li Yin saw the text message, her face turned green.
Her parents have always been unreliable, one plays art, the other engages in music, and the two travel around the world for three days.
Usually, only the nanny and aunt take care of her life, but she is also happy to be alone.
But, let Xiao Shu take care of her?
Song Yeye leaned over: "What's wrong?" Huh..." The moment
she saw the content of the text message, her face turned white and she shivered: "Won't it?" Your uncle has returned to China? Still living in your home? The
two grew up together, and Song Yeye was also fortunate enough to see Li Yin's little uncle, naturally knowing how terrible this guy really was.
The last time Li Yin saw Xiao Shu was three years ago.
Xiao Shu beat Xiao Xiao is a legend in the family, he was a genius prodigy when he was a child, and when he grew up, he studied all the way, and then naturally went abroad.
The advantage of him is that he has published ten books, and he can't finish it.
On the other hand, Li Yin is also most afraid of him.
Although he was only seven years older than her, he seemed to have the majesty of a superior person in him. Even if she didn't speak, she would be scared by the cold aura he emitted.
No way, Li Yin is naturally timid.
This is not to blame her, even the bold Song Yeye also wants to hold the head when he sees Xiao Shu.
Li Yin and she looked at each other and plucked up the courage to text her mother back.
[Mom, no thanks. After
a while, my mother's reply arrived: [Your uncle said he missed you. The
two were silent for a while.
When Song Yeye saw it, he burst into laughter: "Hahahaha, the reason your mother made up is too nonsense, is Xiao Uncle the one who is likely to say such a thing?" Isn't he an emotionless Buddha? Li
Yin has no room to refuse, and can only face reality.
"If your uncle wants to live in your house, then I won't go to your house from tonight." Song Yeye decisively abandoned his teammates.
When she said it, Uncle Liyin's sexy cold face appeared in her mind, and she couldn't help but hold her arm and shiver.
On the way back to school, Li Yin was so worried that she didn't pay attention to looking up at the road.
One by accident, she bumped into someone.
She collided with the teenager, and the other party's clear and pleasant breath poured into her nose.
This smell seems somewhat familiar.
It was the smell of shower gel that Gu Xizhen smelled on last night.
Thinking of this, while Li Yin withdrew from the other party's arms in a panic, the flower cave couldn't help but start spitting honey.

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