Mutliship -> Happiness

Start from the beginning

He ask himself the same question : What is happiness


No matter how much we wait for him, he never goes out, he doesn't need anyone, but others need him.
Every time we ask him what's wrong, he answers and you tell me what's going on in your life.
People reach out to him, but he won't accept help from others. He talks about love even without living it.

He ask himself the same question : What is happiness


He's so shy and fragile, introverted and naive, in the midst of thirty students, finding his place isn't so easy, for him making friends is almost impossible.

You know how mean people can be to each other when they've found their target.
It starts with a nickname, then one bad joke after another, they rub salt in the wounds of his complexes
With so much hate, he lives in fear.

He ask himself the same question : What is happiness


We're living in the age of the virtual, tutorials for rimel
For him, to be loved is to be liked, so he practices in front of his mirror, taking a selfie, a few hearts on his photo
But mostly comments
Mockery, criticism
insults, perverse emojis
All this gratuitous violence
becomes unbearable for him, so he turns off his cell phone.

He ask himself the same question : What is happiness


He's 18 now, a withdrawn teenager, no longer a pretty smiling face.
it's a sullen boy he's become now, it has to be said that at university everything changed
too many students did nothing but make fun of him, everywhere he went he felt rejected, sometimes hit and sometimes insulted.

He wondered how to cope, having become the class whipping boy. On social networks, they called him : the disgusting on.

Pictures of him turning around showing his protruding belly.
Not knowing what to do, or how to react to this hell, out of shame and not wanting to panic his mother, he decides to keep quiet.

But one evening, he returned home naked, his classmates all together having locked him in the changing room to shower him; all his clothes and work were wet that day, and he still wonders how to face up to his class.

He ask himself the same question : What is happiness


He lived in a loving and passionate family, until the mother died, a very hard day for everyone, and the father drowned himself in his work.
He left his two sons behind to fend for themselves; they were young, just 7 and 14, and yet the father did nothing for them.

When the older brother came of age, he started working, in very obscure circles, dabbled in drugs and cigarettes and couldn't get rid of them, totally neglecting his brother behind him from that day on.

Last night, as the young man was walking home alone, he heard fire and police sirens, his father was shot and died instantly. The man who did it was none other than his older brother.

The young man has no family now, his parents are dead, and even if his brother is alive, he's in prison and doesn't consider him his brother after what he's done. So he's on his own.

He ask himself the same question : What is happiness


~ 𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘖𝘚 ~Where stories live. Discover now