I hadn't had a chance to talk to Anna, my therapist, since all of this had gone down and I was struggling to wrap my head around how everything had fractured with my mom. I knew I wasn't perfect, maybe I could have done more to get her into rehab before things went too far south, but I was also just a kid when it all started, and I wasn't equipped to. But I kept her clean and fed, and kept the house in order for years, and none of that seemed to matter to her. All that mattered was that I was in love with a woman, and that I hadn't abandoned that woman and my friends to go to Ohio with a mom who I wouldn't have even seen while she in rehab.

I didn't want to give up on my mother, but at this point I didn't see how I could have her in my life unless she was able to apologize for her behavior, give me my college fund back and hopefully support my love for Shay. I wasn't going to stop loving Shay, so this all had to come from my mom. I didn't even think I'd be ready to talk to her for a while, because every time I thought about her, I just got angry, and I didn't think I would even want to hear an apology till I calmed down. Honestly, if I got the money from the lawsuit, then I wouldn't even need the money from the fund, she could keep it, so I just needed her to be okay with me loving Shay, and eventually marrying her.

The drive to Quincy wasn't bad. We just took Interstate 95 up into Massachusetts, then switched to Route 128 which was notorious for its traffic. From there we just had a short drive up Interstate 93 a little way to Quincy. As Drew promised, it was under two hours, closer to 90 minutes really, and we were at our temporary place.

It wasn't impressive. It was an older home, built at least at least 70 years ago, and we were renting the third floor of it. Shay had told me that we were close to the subway, which was above ground here, and pretty noisy whenever the train rolled by, and she was absolutely right. The good thing was, there was a good amount of room, since we had a lot of boxes, and we started stacking everything in the living room. We'd have to live in the bedroom and kitchen for the next two months, but that was okay. I didn't care as long as I was back with Shay. One week without her was too long, and I didn't want to repeat that again!

Shay was on the phone to a place called Pizza Connection as soon as we started unloading, and by the time we were done and resting, the pizza arrived. The little apartment was pretty trashed, with not much room for sitting and eating, but we made do. It hadn't kicked in yet that I was in my new place, however short a time that place would be my home, but I was sure it would once I was in bed with Shay.

"When will you know if you're moving up here?" Lynn asked. "It's going to take some getting used to, not having my best friends around."

"Hey!" Amy squawked. "I thought that was me!"

"Nuh uh, babe. You're my sexy fiancé, they're my friends. You're even better." Lynn gave Amy a sweet kiss to help mollify her, but I knew Amy wasn't upset either way. She knew where she and Lynn stood, and I knew we'd have to visit them a lot to make sure we stayed connected.

We were both snickering at their banter before Shay cut in. "I should know in about six weeks. My boss already told me that I should get a decision during the last week of the internship if they want me to stick around. I had a good first week, but I still have a long way to go. The good thing is, it's a really good company, so if I don't get in there, I'll have great experience for my resumé."

"I assume you won't stay here if you get hired?" Amy asked.

"No way. We'd need a new place for sure. There is good train service around here, so that helps. The office is right on the Green Line of the subway, so I never have to drive into the city. Hell, some of the towns even have a ferry service across the harbor that would work." Shay informed us. I liked the sound of that, because I was worried about her having to deal with a lot of traffic heading into the city, especially in the winter.

"Could we live in the city?" I wondered. "Or is it too expensive?"

She gave me a shrug. "We'd have to look into it. I'm sure it's expensive, but we could probably make it work. We wouldn't need a lot at first, and it might help if you were going back to school."

School seemed like the furthest thing from my mind, but it was a possibility depending on the outcome of the lawsuit. But there were a ton of schools in the Boston area, so if I wanted to, it would be an option. Living in the city sounded kind of exciting, though traffic and parking could be issues. We'd certainly have a lot of options!

An hour later, the pizza had been devoured, and Lynn and Amy had given us multiple hugs goodbye, before we were on our own. We shared a relaxing shower, and then collapsed in bed, both tired from the long day. I was still a little overwhelmed by the sudden changes going on in my life, but it all seemed manageable while I lay in Shay's arms, nothing but my little pajamas keeping us apart. Being held by her was just what I needed after everything.

"I love you so much, Shay." I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you said it was okay to live here with you."

"Princess, of course it was okay! Heck, if your summer classes had all been online, I would have had you come up last week. Any chance I can be with you, I want to do it."

"Well, you're stuck with me now. I'm planning on following you wherever you go."

She rolled over, gently climbing on top of me, something that I had finally been glad to allow with no more triggers. "You better. I don't want to lose you." She leaned down, her lips pressing against mine, and we spent the next several minutes in a soft and sweet make out session. It dawned on me that we'd spent all weekend packing and moving, and the previous week apart, and I hadn't had my fiancé inside me in all that time. I needed to change that.

"Shay, it's our first night in this place together. Do you think you could please make love to me? I need you." I gave her a little pout, though I knew she was already in the mood just from the feel of her hard cock already pressing into me from the previous smooch fest, and I was already lifting myself up into her in need.

At that moment, a train heading into the city rumbled past, making the house shake along with our bed, and making her vibrate against me. We both opened our eyes in surprise at the feeling, then giggled. That was very interesting! With a little effort, I pushed up on Shay's shoulder, flopping her onto her back and then threw my leg over her to climb astride her hips.

I slid my hands up her torso, finding the swell of her breasts and making her sigh in pleasure as I started to massage them. She returned the favor, her hands under my pajama top and capturing my nipples. I was grinding against her now, needing a release after such a stressful week. I knew I wouldn't last long tonight, as all the tension and longing were building up within me. I reached my hand down, moving my pajama bottoms to the side, and exposing myself to her. She gripped her shaft, standing it upright for me to settle down on, and I wasted no time in taking her deep within me. Yeah, we were skipping foreplay tonight, I needed her now.

I lay down upon her, kissing her softly as she remained trapped within my slippery core. As our lips moved, our tongues joined their feverish movements, and I started to slowly move my hips. Shay always filled me so well, and she started to move her body up into me, matching my movements. It was a minute later when we started to pick up the pace, our bodies having missed one another for too long, and soon the sound of flesh slapping together with our anguished cries begging for relief were heard throughout the apartment.

When the next train passed, this one headed out of the city, the vibrations shook us even better, and I cried out in pleasure as I unraveled upon Shay's thick cock. She was right behind me, yelling out happily as she filled me with all the pent up juices that were soon spilling out from my channel and making a mess of my pajamas. It was just what we needed, and a perfect way to spend our first night here.

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