I stood up from my desk, shut my laptop so I wouldn't be tempted to do more, then stretched. I was already in the same pajamas I'd worn to Shay's house, so I was ready for bed as I unlocked my bedroom door to go get a drink of water from the kitchen. Movement in the hallway made me jump in surprise as out of the shadows a large man moved towards me, a sick grin on his face. I started to close the door in a panic, but he put his foot in the door frame to stop it, and leaned his body into the door.

               "Get out of here!" I screamed.

               "Oh, come on. You're a pretty thing, and I bet you're a lot livelier than your mom!" He let out a familiar grunt as he shoved the door again, shoving me back a bit. I braced my bare feet against the floor as best as I could, but I could tell this was a losing effort. "I bet by the end of the night, you'll be calling me daddy." He let out an evil chuckle, and I just started to sob. I knew very well what he wanted, and I wanted nothing to do with it. He wasn't big like Owen, but still a lot taller than me, and had a lot more mass to him. I needed to get to my phone, but it was back across the room on my desk.

               "No chance!" The scent of alcohol, tobacco, sweat, and cheap cologne wafted around the door, making me nauseous even at the height of my fear. "Get out of this house!"

               The next thing I knew, I was tumbling over as the door crashed in. "Now you're just pissing me off, you slut. You're gonna take my cock, and you're gonna scream and moan, just the way I like it!" I scrambled to my feet, just in time for him to backhand me across the face, knocking me flat onto my back on the bed. He reached down and grabbed my pajama top, ripping it right off and spraying the buttons all over which left me bare to his leering face. "Oh yeah, those are the big titties I wanna be sucking." He leaned in again to grab my shorts, and I pulled my leg back, and kicked him in the nose with my heel.

               He stumbled back, bellowing in rage and I tried to get up and run past him, only for him to grab me and throw me back on the bed as blood poured from his nose. "Please stop!" I pleaded. "I'm only 15! Don't do this!" I scrambled backwards, lifting my leg to kick again if he got closer.

               He grunted as he wiped some blood from his nose. "15 is more than old enough. You need to know how to please a man to keep him satisfied." He was wary now, and kept his hands in front of him, rightfully assuming I'd try to kick him in the face or the groin. "I like a little challenge, but you should know that you're gonna lose this fight girl. This ain't my first rodeo, and I love to break in an unwilling filly. I bet after one good fuck, you'll be a moaning whore like your mom too."

               The kickboxing class had made my kicks strong, but at the end of the day, it hadn't involved real sparring and things like that, and I wished that it had now. The asshole kept moving in and out, but I wasn't going to kick unless I had a good chance of hitting something, and he was just toying with me. "You know you'll never get away with this," I said through gritted teeth. "Because you know I'll be calling the cops and reporting it."

               He just chuckled. "Go right ahead. A teenaged girl seducing the guy who's dating her mom? Yeah, I'll get off no problem. I can even tell them you like it rough like your mom." He moved closer and I jabbed out with my foot. He danced back, almost grabbing my foot. "Besides, even if they lock me up, it won't be my first time. A sweet treat like you will have been worth it!"

               My heart shrunk at that thought. Any normal person might have at least hesitated at that, but it seemed to turn him on. Hell, I could see a bulge in his jeans already, so I knew he'd be ready if I ever let him get close to me. "Mom!" I screamed out. "Help!"

               He chuckled once more, his eyes alight with cunning. "She won't hear your yells. She's gone to la-la land for the night. I can make you scream all night, and the only person who will hear it is me, and I'll savor it."

               I felt like I was going to hyperventilate, and yet he was moving slowly. It was like he enjoyed toying with me, and I realized that was most likely the case. He was having as much fun tormenting me and seeing my fear as he would if he got what he wanted from me.

               I was almost caught by surprise when he rushed in at me, but I shot my right leg out, catching him in the groin. Unfortunately, he kept coming, and landed on top of me, crushing me to the mattress as I let out a scream. The stink and weight of him was almost overpowering, and he forced me down, ripping the pillow out from under my head and covering my face with it while he wrapped his fingers around my neck. His pressed down on the pillow with his head, and then used the freed up hand to rip at my pajama shorts, and I could feel them in tatters as my head knocked painfully against a piece of metal. Metal?

               My switchblade!

               I'd forgotten all about it, having not needed it in ages since I had been travelling to and from work with Shay again, and I reached my left hand up to claw at his face, even as I could feel him trying to lower his jeans as his body wedged my legs open. I heard the grunting that sounded so familiar when he was with my mom, and that spurred me on. My right hand found the hilt of the switchblade, and I pulled it out from under my head. I got my hand around next to his sweaty belly, then clicked the little button, hearing the delightful little 'snickt' sound when the blade came out. Then I plunged it into him, though I wasn't sure where, as the pillow was still over my face.

               I savored his high pitched scream, just as he had planned to savor mine, and I stabbed him once more as he rolled off me before he fell to the floor in a heap as he still had his jeans down around his knees. I stood up, and saw him trying to crawl away with his ass in the air covered in dingy underwear and leaving a trail of blood on my carpet. I took a long step and kicked him in the balls from behind as hard as I could, making him scream once more, then crossed over to the desk where I grabbed my phone.

               "Don't worry, the cops and ambulance should be here soon," I told him as his screams faded into groans. I dialed 911 and held the phone to my ear, trying to calm myself down so I could speak coherently, still gripping the bloody knife and watching the lump on my floor.

               "I didn't get paid enough for this shit," the grunting man said as he collapsed on his side, panting. My blood ran cold as the 911 operator answered the phone.

               "911, what's your emergency?"

               In a shaky voice, I quickly replied. "I just stabbed a man who was attacking me in my house. He's still alive, but if you don't get someone here soon, he won't be." Only because I might stab him again, or he might bleed out, I wasn't sure which. I just sat there, watching him whimper as he tried to keep his hands on the two cuts in his belly, and silently wished he'd bleed faster.

               The operator stayed on the phone with me until the police and paramedics arrived, and by that time I had wrapped a sheet from the bed around my naked body. I would have gotten dressed, but I had no intention of putting my knife down, or turning my back on him, until the cops got there.

               My long night got even longer after that.


A/N - I really hate writing chapters like this, but I hope it wasn't too bad for everyone.

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