She nodded along with me. "Right. Well, they're all out back if you want to join them. The pool is already full."

I raised my eyebrow as I looked at her. "Trying to get rid of me already? I was hoping that maybe I could hang out with you for a bit."

She shrugged, but never lost the smile. "I'm not complaining about that. My parents are upstairs, so I'm supposed to help get the pizzas and make sundaes. Right now, the pizzas have been ordered, so you can either go into the pool now, or wait till after you eat."

I moved closer, bumping my shoulder softly into hers. "You know I'm waiting. If I go out there now, I'll never have some time alone with you."

"You want alone time with me?" she asked with a smirk. "Just what do you want?"

I turned, looking her in the eye. "The same things I've wanted for almost a year. You know that." I didn't think I could make it any clearer, and I wasn't hiding that I wanted her to be mine. Still.

She sighed and nodded sadly. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. That was a stupid question on my part. Your mom still doing good?"

"It's fine. Hopefully we have time in the future." I really couldn't do much here. I wasn't going to beg, but I'd said everything I could to make sure she was reminded yet again that I wanted her. "And yeah, she's hanging in there. It's great having her back."

"You deserve it," she said with a smile. "I know it's been rough, but you're making progress."

We stood in the kitchen, looking through the sliding glass door at the girls out by the pool. There were about a dozen of them, but I really only knew about half of them. Lynn, Leigh, and Nicky, obviously. But I also knew my old friends, Angelina, Joy, and Abigail. Funnily enough, I'd been only a little surprised that both Joy and Abigail were at least a little into girls. Maybe I'd just gravitated to them back then because I somehow sensed it? One of the other girls that I only knew a little, Willow, was also into girls, since she was Nicky's current hookup partner. And yet Lynn and her dad were only upset about Shay? I just didn't understand people like that.

"You're still not going to swim?" I asked Shay.

She didn't answer at first, then shook her head. "Nope. Not allowed. I can't be the responsible one if I'm distracted."

"Then I guess I better not distract you." Really, that was all I wanted to do, but I would try not to, too much anyway.

She snorted in laughter. "You know very well that you always distract me."

"Likewise. But you'll never hear me complain."

Our little time together was interrupted by the doorbell, which heralded the arrival of the pizza. Shay went to get the door once more, and I tagged along because I had nothing better to do. There were six pizzas delivered, and I helped carry three while Shay took the other three, and we set them up around the kitchen on the table and countertops with paper plates nearby. Red solo cups that would look at home at any party were stacked next to a bucket of ice, and several bottles of soda were placed within easy reach, and then Shay pulled open the door before yelling outside to the girls. "The pizza is here, better get it while it's still hot!"

There were scattered cheers from the group before they started racing for the house, with some having to grab towels as they clambered from the pool. I stood back, letting the horde of girls grab their slices, many of them giving me a wave as they recognized. Even Nicky was polite, and Leigh seemed happy to see me. Lynn wasn't a bitch, so that was a positive too. Everyone scattered when they got the food, most of them going outside where the music was playing. I waited until they all had chosen their food then grabbed a couple pieces of the sausage and mushroom pizza and poured a glass of coke to go with it.

Shay did the same, though she went with the pepperoni and mushroom, and we sat on the deck while eating. It was a nice day, with the sun high and only a few clouds, and therefore perfect for swimming up north.

"Nice of you to come!" Leigh said happily. She was flanked by Nicky and Lynn, who both had smiles on their faces as well, which was odd. I just wasn't good enough at reading people to see if that was a good smile or bad smile.

"Well, I haven't seen you all out of school in a while, and I figured I'd give it a shot since things had been a little calmer this year." I gave Nicky a look at that, since she had been the reason for things being difficult in the past, and she had the grace to look away.

"Well, we all grow up, right?" Leigh pointed out. "Maybe it's time to move on."

"How is the sausage?" Lynn interrupted. "I thought you weren't a fan?"

I looked at her in confusion, not understanding. To the best of my knowledge, I'd never had pizza around her before. "Why? Sausage tastes fine, and it goes well with the mushrooms." I could see Shay smiling next to me, while the three across from me were snickering. I knew I was the butt of the joke, and then realized what they were doing. This is exactly why I didn't like social situations. "Ahh, I see. We're going to get into the lesbian jokes?" I raised my eyebrow at Lynn. "Maybe when Leigh said we all grow up, she was excluding you?"

"Fuck off," Lynn snarled, and I just smiled back at her, while Leigh put her hand on her shoulder.

"Come on Lynn, she's your guest, be nice."

"To answer your question though, yes. I'm a lesbian. And if you want to make the sausage joke, then go for it. I guess I don't normally like what they're attached to, so I avoid them. Is that what you want to hear?"

The three girls really seemed to like that answer, especially Nicky, and I just sighed. I hated these people. They didn't grow up at all. 

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