Eloise had been Lynn's best friend in our old neighborhood, and Lynn had hoped to make her disgusted with me because Eloise had a crush on me. It had worked, but Eloise had also gone to her mother, who then went to my father complaining about letting some sicko like me near her daughter. That had led to me getting beaten by my father, and having my phone taken away yet again. Of course, no phone meant I had no alarm to wake me up, and when Lynn demanded McDonalds for breakfast, we had to leave early for school, and so I had no chance to cover up the bruises my father left on me. Mrs. Reynolds, my home room teacher, was very sensitive to abuse, having seen it before in several other students, and told the principal who then called child protective services. Needless to say, that interview went swimmingly at home, and I had to lie and say I was beaten up by some older kids that I didn't know. Two weeks later, we were moving from Connecticut to Rhode Island to avoid the scrutiny, all because Lynn had to tell her friend. Which, of course, she'd already done yet again by telling Nicky here. I doubted that Nicky would be quiet about it either.

Of course, that was only the latest move. When I was five, my doctor ran some tests because I was developing a little differently than most boys, and gave the news to my parents that I wasn't the son they thought, but intersex instead. For me, it was a relief, as I'd never understood all the things I was feeling, but for my father it was a horror story. He'd told all of my family and his friends and coworkers about his son, and how proud he was that the family name would live on. But now, to him, he had nothing. He didn't consider me a boy or a girl, but just a thing. Just a bit of genetic material that he couldn't even bear to look at. We ended up moving then too, just so he wouldn't have to explain anything to anyone in his office or the neighbors, though my family knew and I was shunned from their presence as they had the same ideals as he did. It wasn't like I did anything other than simply exist, but to them I was a symbol that showed that we weren't the perfect family. To them I was a scar and they couldn't wait to get rid of me, no matter how much I excelled in school to try to win their approval. 

Because the truth was, everything was always going to be my fault, because I was the girl born with a penis.

"It doesn't matter, and you know it," Lynn said with a little smile. "Daddy will always pick me over you."

"Will he?" I wondered. "I guess as long as you're a good little girl and do everything he wants, yeah. But what happens if you want something different? Are you just going to keep saying yes? How many other things will you do just be cause he wants it? Marry a guy he picks out? Go to a college you don't want to attend? Vote for something you don't believe in? If we have to move again because you couldn't keep your mouth shut, where is our next home? You know the only other office dad's company has is way out in Arizona, right? You have pretty pale skin, and you'll look like a lobster in a week."

She furrowed her brow at that and then scoffed. "Whatever. Just stop hitting my friend."

"I don't think I need to hit her again. All she has to do is not pick on my friends, and I won't do a thing. That shouldn't be too hard. Oh, and feel free to tell Leigh that it goes for her and you, too. I'm not going to let Amber be bullied just because you're all bitches. Unless you like matching black eyes."

I felt a little better about things now and went up to my room with a little spring in my step. I closed the door, locking it behind me and laying on the bed, wishing more than anything that Amber was there next to me to just hold in my arms. But I had our photos, and those always reminded me of better days and made me feel good. My father never understood what they were and what they represented, or they'd have been taken away. The brief time I'd spent with Amber had saved my sanity. Being forced to move, and then abandoned for two weeks while the family went to have a good time at your grandmother's mansion, and you get to stay home and shoulder the blame, sucked. But then Amber had suddenly wandered into my life and made me happier than I could remember, and I started to look forward to life.

Everything had been great with her. Exploring the town, watching movies and learning to cook a few things. Even after that when she fed me the ice cream, which came so close to making me weak in happiness, and then shopping with her, had been more than I could have ever hoped for.

Until she kissed me.

It was perfect, and everything I wanted. It was a magical night with the right song, and the right lighting in the pool, and the moon overhead and the girl I was falling for in my arms. If only I could have resisted, and not hurt her. If only her presence hadn't started getting me hard even after I'd just tamed my annoying beast in the shower before going down to the pool. She was still so innocent, and we were both too young to do anything like that, no matter how much I felt for her. And yet, I'd be lying if the pictures hanging on the wall didn't make me think of her hand holding my cock like those ice cream cones, with my hot cum dripping down over her fingers. I know, I'm a pervert, but sometimes my extra appendage has a mind of its own, and I need to remind it who the boss is. Or is that my dick showing me who the boss is instead? I think we all know the answer to that.

With a sigh, I gave in and unzipped my jeans, pulling them down to my knees along with my boxers, and then unbuttoning my shirt to free access to my sports bra. I opened the top drawer of my nightstand, and got the tube of KY Jelly out, squirting some into my hand and then slowly stroked my semi hard cock until it was standing stiffly at attention. I used my free hand to slip under the band of my sports bra, massaging myself gently, just like I imagined Amber would do if she were exploring me once we were ready and free of our current lives. The mere thought of her had my guts churning while I stroked myself, and I sighed happily as I whispered her name to myself.

As I got closer and closer to my release, I smiled at the thought of someday feeling this with Amber. Yes, when we were older, but I always imagined that she would accept me for all of my faults, even my extra parts. Someday we would have our time, I just hoped I wouldn't mess things up again before then.

And yet, just then I felt my body shudder as I did indeed make a mess. My belly tensed as I shot a fountain of my sticky fluids over my belly and made a mess on my torso while I gasped at the waves of pleasure that coursed through my loins. Damn, if just the thought of Amber could do that, I couldn't wait until we were both ready for more. I looked down at the pool on my belly, as it settled rapidly in my belly button, and dripped over the fingers still gripping my cock like the ice cream in the pictures.


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