Shay made sure to take pictures every time too, until I realized that she really was trying to remember these little trips. I'd hoped that was the case before, but now I knew. We took selfies at the beach, with the ice cream, and at the pool. She told me she could never post them because her family would kill her for not being home alone, and I took that to mean I shouldn't either. I was okay with that, she had sent them to me, and having them for myself was enough. In less than two weeks, she had become an immense part of my life, and I was dreading her family's return almost as much as she was.

Because the closer we came to them returning, the more she started to withdraw. I was doing my best, but I had the same fear I had myself about my own mother. She didn't smile as much as she had over the beginning of the little vacation, but I finally was able to get her to smile a few times when I grilled hotdogs that I'd carved into silly shapes.

I was dreading their return too, because I'd have to go back home. I had no idea what to expect when I did that based on what I'd seen from my mother the last time I'd seen her. She hadn't reached out about needing anything, but she'd really gone downhill before that, and I didn't want to leave this little bubble of happiness with Shay. Hell, I'd even finally started my period over the last few days and was getting cramps but I didn't care. I was happy just to be with her.

"I don't want them to come home," she lamented as we ate ice cream sundaes a couple days before they were scheduled to return. Wait, ice cream at the creamery and at home? Yes. We're like hobbits, but instead of second breakfasts we get second desserts. We felt that was much better.

"I don't want them to either. I don't want to leave you," I admitted softly. "This has been the best summer I can remember, all because of these last few weeks."

"Amber, they're going to say a lot of things about me. You'll hear stories that make me sound like a monster, and none of them will be true, okay?" She looked at me, silently pleading and I just smiled back at her.

I held my pinky up. "Friends forever. Nothing comes between us, remember?" She hooked her finger with mine and gave me a little smile. "They can say whatever they want about you, but I know the real you. Nothing they say will make me think you're not the same amazing girl that made me..." I had to pause because I almost told her how much I liked her, and that might have been disastrous. I couldn't ruin this friendship when we needed to support one another more than mooning over each other instead. "That made me so happy over the last few weeks. I needed this. It was like a mini vacation, and I got to meet the best person ever."

"For the first time in a long time, I think I'm looking forward to things. Having your number will help, and I promise I'll see you whenever they're gone. Plus, I'll see you at school. I can even take care of that Nicky bitch."

I brightened right up at that reminder. For the next two years, I'd have Shay at school, and while it wouldn't be perfect, it would be a big help. "And now I'm looking forward to school!" I said as she pulled me to her side. "I'm so glad I saw you swimming that day."

"You mean the day you were peeping on me, eh?" she joked. I burned crimson, but I couldn't say much to defend myself. I mean, I was doing exactly what she thought.

"I just wanted to see who was in the pool, nothing else!" I protested half-heartedly. "It wasn't my fault."

"Don't be sorry, I'm glad you saw me, and I'm glad you made a little noise. We might have lost time if you'd waited a day or two or were quieter."

"What was the best part of this time together for you?" I wondered.

"You mean, besides you?" she asked. "Because that is true for sure."

I blushed again, though it was a good thing this time. "I know, I'm amazing. But really, what is the best part for you?"

She was quiet for a bit, then sighed. "Amber, it really was you. But if I can't say that, then I would say exploring the town and getting the ice cream. This was really a special time."

"I agree. I loved every bit of the time together, other than the nightmare of my mom being like that when we went home."

"I don't know," she replied. "I'm sure you hated that, but I think it let me know how much you and I had in common and let me open up much more than I would have otherwise. I was terrified to share things about my family, but it felt so good to just get a little of it out there. It's nice to know you understand and are still willing to be my friend."

I knew what she meant. I didn't know everything about her situation, but I knew there was something going on that started back when she was five, and that was more than enough to tell me that she shouldn't have been blamed for whatever happened. "Gaining you as a friend was the tops for me too. And I can't remember the last time I got to eat that much ice cream, so that was a plus."

"That ice cream was insane. I can't wait to go back there with you." Yes, we're already dreaming about going back for more ice cream while we're eating ice cream sundaes. That makes sense.

We fell asleep that night snuggled up under the blanket with her holding me gently. We'd slept that way for a week now, and I was growing addicted to it. Honestly, having Shay hold me like this at night made me feel so good that I never wanted to have her let me go.

If only life could let things stay that way. Because even the best dreams have to end when you wake up.

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