"Ya, she is." Liam exclaimed, noticing how Massimo's knuckle almost turned white from the way he was clenching his fist.

Massimo didn't like having her work in such a condition. According to him, Maya shouldn't be working as it could give her stress and unnecessary tiredness.

"She shouldn't work in such condition." He voiced out his thoughts.

"She's only pregnant not fragile." Liam said what Maya had said to him. "Besides a lot of women work during pregnancy."

"She shouldn't." Was all Massimo said. "It can tire her out both physically and mentally."

"Well, not only work can tire you out mentally you know." Liam exclaimed.

Massimo looked at him, clearly understanding the meaning behind his words. Unfortunately he couldn't disagree because Liam was right, after all Massimo himself was the very big reason for Maya not being mentally well at the moment.

"Have you told them?" Massimo asked, referring to Enzo and all.

"No, not yet." Liam replied. "I wanted to give you the good news first." He then added. "You're the soon to be Baby Daddy after all."

Massimo still couldn't believe he was actually going to become a father. If someone had told the same to him months ago, he would've punched that person, as becoming a father and having a family of his own had been the last thing he had wanted to do.

The thought of having a baby had never crossed his mind before. He sure had known that he would have to one day, but that too only for the sake of having a heir, for taking over as the next capo after him.

But it was different now. The feeling of having his baby inside Maya's womb, he couldn't help but to feel ecstatic, a feeling he had never thought he'd feel on hearing such news.

He couldn't help but to wonder how the baby would look like. If it was a girl he wanted her to have same eyes as her mom, and it it was a boy he still wanted the same. He didn't care about the gender as long as it was his baby and healthy.

Massimo felt a slight tug in his chest when he realised what Maya must've been feeling, what she must've gone through once she had found out about the pregnancy. He wondered if she was even happy to have his baby, given how he had hurt her. He knew Maya was a wonderful person and would love the baby, but he couldn't help but to think if she hated the fact that the baby was half his. Well, he wouldn't blame her if she did. He deserved that, but still the thought didn't hurt him any less.

"Did she not tell you not to share this news with others?" By others Massimo meant them.

"No. She didn't." Liam exclaimed. He had thought Maya would make him promise not to tell anyone, especially Massimo about her pregnancy, but he had been wrong. And he had also told her about going to Italy, so if she had really wanted to she would've told him not to share the news, but she hadn't.
Maybe somewhere she also wanted Massimo to find out about the news.

Massimo didn't say anything after that as he was still in some other zone. His mind and heart were still processing everything. As much as of good news it was, he was still having a hard time digesting the fact that he was really going to be a Baby Daddy.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now