"What the hell were you thinking?" Cragen growls.

"Ask Stabler, I'm not repeating myself." I scoff and start walking towards the door.

"I agreed to let you in on this case because your boss said you needed some street work. That doesn't mean that you can go around doing whatever you feel like."

"You think I wanted to play the damsel in distress? They needed proof that his fake life was real. I gave them that." I say and he sighs.

"Next time, tell someone your plan." He huffs and I leave.

We start looking into the dirty cop and putting stuff up on the board. I sit in a chair next to Stabler's desk.

"Neither of these guys are running this operation, they're only pawns." I state.

"We don't know how, but this thing is, but there's no way they only have one mule." Benson agrees with me.

"Kendall is hard for product, if he doesn't get some soon the people that buy from him are gonna buy from somebody else." Fin adds.

"Get back to Kendall. Turn up the heat this time, but meet in a public place. Danika, I want you on Stabler's six, but do not interrupt this time and stay hidden." Cragen orders me.

"I got no reason to do that again." I shrug and he nods.

I stay in a dark corner of the restaurant while Stabler meets with the cop again. I listen in on their conversation and Stabler gets the upper hand this time. He gets back to the car after I slip out.

"I don't think he liked that." I scoff about how he made the cop look like he was working for Stabler.

"He needed a little wake up call." Stabler shrugs and I chuckle.

We get back to the precinct and meet with the DA to explain what's going down.

"Mexico is a little out of our jurisdiction."

"Not to mention out of our league." Cragen adds.

"Tell Kendall you can't make the trip on such short notice without arousing suspicions. Somebody in Mexico City will make the pickup for you." I offer and Cragen looks at me impressed.

"You do this before?" Alex asks me and I just wink and smirk.

"Where's the drop?"

"My alter ego's house in Forest Hills? Delivery company drops of the tiles, Kendall will come to pick them up." Stabler offers.

"We'll have to involve DEA. They can get us a cover house and handle the pickup in Mexico." Cragen states.

"Kendall could be working with DEA people." Alex counters.

"Well...that's a chance we're gonna have to take."


"Why do I have to be here?" I groan annoyed.

"Because you're pretending to be my stay at home wife." Stabler reminds me.

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