The End

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*Few Years Later*

"And therefore, I have this beautiful mark on my cheek!" Ethan says as Evan gasps and i shook my head at them as i watched the two brothers gawk over a mosquito bite!

"Mommy! Eth is saying he got a love bite from angel when he was asleep!" Evan babbles as he comes running towards me and i kept my cup down and took him in my arms.

"My beautiful boy, are you sad you didn't got one?" I asked as i pushed his chestnut curls back and he nods blinking his baby blue eyes.

"Well, if you'll be a good boy all day the angel might give you a love bite tonig-"

"I'll make sure to keep the window open for the mosquitoes to-"

"Harry!" I hissed and he giggles covering his mouth and Ethan smirks teaming up with his father. They both are copy of eachother, smug and mischievous.

I looked at Evan and his eyes were wide doe as he glances at them then back at me, "Mosquitoes?"

I sighed and cupped his chubby cheeks, "Let's end the discussion with a kiss?" He grins and nods. I smiled as i leaned forward and gave him kiss on his soft cheeks then on his forehead.

"I love you two hundred!" He says and i gasped as i smirked at harry showing off my hair as i said, "I'm on Two hundred!"

He rolls his eyes as he combs Ethan's hair sitting on the couch of living room, "I'm on Three Hundred!"

Evan gasps, "No Dad, you're lying!" I laughed out loudly when Harry pouts and Evan giggles going towards him.

He pats his head, "It's ok daddeh, no crying." I admired them as Harry pulls him on his lap as well as Ethan and they both squealed giggling feeling ticklish.

"Daadehhh leah us goo!" Yeah they got my accent. I watched as Harry kisses their cheeks and tickles them making them giggle kicking their legs in air.

"Say that you love me Three hundred! I'll leah yoh goh!" He mocks my accent giving me a wink as both the boys took a deep breath before saying,

"We love you Three hundred momma!" That's my babies!

"Whaaat!" He lets them go and both of them came running towards me and i chuckled as i kneeled down hugging them.

"My beautiful boys, such a good wolfy you are!"

They both love it when i call them wolfy. Harry pouts as i stood up smirking, "Now go to bed, it's getting late and remember you have a school trip tomorrow!"

They both yelled, "Yess!" I smiled and kissed their forehead, "Go and brush your teeth, me and Daddy will be there to tuck you in your tiny little beds!"

Ethan lifts his hands up waving tryna look taller than Evan, "Me not tiny!" Evan looks at him then at me, "Me tiny?"

I chuckled and shook my head, "You both are my big boys, happy?" They both nodded smiling widely.

"Let's see who gets to the room first- one two- here we gooo!" Ethan says and takes off running towards their room and Evan huffs.

"We're supposed to run at three Ethhh!" He whines following his brother and i shook my head at their Adorableness.

I looked at Harry and his eyes were already at me, i raised my eyebrow looking at his appearance. He was still in his work clothes, his shirt halway open, his tie god knows where Ethan threw it as soon as he was home.

His legs spread wide with his ring cladded hand on his thigh. I checked him out while he stares at me- more like my see through shirt.

"C'mere baby..." He whispered and i can feel my heartbeat rise. The past few weeks, our schedule has been packed up.

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