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"fcking hell-" I threw my head back as Harry sucks on my throat with his hands on my hips, nails digging in my skin. His hips keeps thrusting with more force as he bites on my skin that was already covered in his bruises.

"So soft and pretty..." He mumbles as he licks my mark. I bit my lip as my thighs started to shake when i reached my climax. "Mine..."

I closed my eyes as i came and felt him knotting inside me. I grabbed on his arm to pull him close and cuddled him. He kissed my head as he whispered, "Tomorrow's a big day my luna."

I hummed, "The party is gonna be huge i see." I mumbled and he chuckled as his fingers ran through my hair and down to my back.

"Not only the party but..." I opened my eyes to look at him and saw him gazing at the clock. I frowned as he grins at me.

He cupped my jaw and tilted my head as he softly pressed his lips on mine. "Happy Birthday My Love..." He mumbled against my lips and i smiled as i kissed him back.

Soft and gently.

"Thank you, Harry..."


*Next Morning*

I frowned and turned my head to the side when i felt something wet on my cheek. I groaned when i could feel warm tongue over my neck and jaw.

"Stop it harry!" I mumbled but in return i heard a bark. I sat up straight with my eyes wide open looking at the huge golden retriever sitting on my lap.

A huge smile spread across my lips as i wrapped my arms around the dog and hugged him giggling when he licks my head.

"Good morning goldy-"

"His name's Prince, baby!" I looked towards harry who walks out of bathroom freshly showered and a towel around his waist.

I grinned and pet prince' head as he barks, wiggling his tail. "Hey prince! I'm louis-" he jumps on me and licks my face making me laugh loudly.

"How did you came in tho!" I asked as i cuddled him and pulled the sheet over my naked body. Harry walks out of closet in his white shirt and trouser. His shirt buttons halfway open showing his wet chest. He doesn't likes to completely dry himself after shower saying he likes cold feeling.

"It's our dog baby boy, I bought him for you!"

My eyes widened as i look at harry, "For me?" He nods and sits next to me as he wraps his arm around my shoulder and i could smell his shower gel.

His wet hair falling over his forehead as he runs his fingers through them saying, "Yup it's a present from me to you!" I giggled.

"For birthday?"

"Darling, yes your birthday!"

My eyes widened and i looked at calendar, "Oh fck yeah. I -" i shut my mouth when Harry's lips were on me.

I sighed nad melted into the kiss as he strokes my cheek. "Happy birthday my darling." He mumbles over my lips and i smiled our lips still touching.

"Thank you harry..."

"Get ready cause I'll keep saying this to you throughout the day, And this isn't the last gift darling, this is just the start!" He says as he winks and i blushed. "You didn't have to-"

"I want to tho. I want to give you every happiness in this world. And do everything i can to have this smile on your pretty lips!" He says as he traces my lips with his finger.

I smirked and took his finger between my teeth i was impressed when he didn't flinch but instead smirked and thrusted his finger in my mouth.

"I like where this is going..." He mumbles as he pulls my towards his lap. I smirked and sucked on his fingers as his hands grabbed my naked back and stroked my cheeks.

Just as his fingers dipped in my hips i heard a bark and got startled which resulted in me biting Harry's finger. A bit hard-

"Fckkk!" He hissed and removed his finger. I gasped and immediately took his finger in my hand, "I'm so sorry i forgot Prince is with us-"

"He's jealous!" Harry grumbles, "I have your attention that's why he's jeal-"

Prince barks again and pats his paw on my arm looking at me with excited eyes. I giggled and started petting his head.

"Such a pretty boy you are-"

"Louis!" Harry whined and i looked at him, "you're a good boy too-" i said as i patted his head. He pouts and grabs my arm pulling me close and trying to kiss me but prince stops him and jumps between us.

Harry groans and falls off bed after losing his balance and i laughed as i wrapped my arms around prince.

"Louis don't laugh!"

"Sorry Love but you're so cute! I can't help it."


"How do I look?" I said as i turned around to show him my outfit. Nothing fancy, it was just a soft white shirt with a Burberry Cardigan and denim jeans.

He grinned as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead saying "You're looking beautiful my angel. So cute and cuddly!"

I giggled as i showed him a mini burberry hat, "This is for prince. If he doesn't likes it I'll wear it!" He chuckled as he nodded.

We both walked down and just as i step my foot in the living room. I saw two people i thought i would never see... Sitting right infront of me as their eyes turned to me.

My heart started beating faster as my eyes met those familiar ones. I felt Harry's hand tighten around my waist and i know what's about to happen.

I don't fcking like it!

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