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"How's the food, darling?"

I smiled as i took a dip of my wine and wiped my mouth, "It's delicious!" He smiles at my response.

We were on the quiet side of restaurant, there was violin playing in the background. The lights were dimmed and what made me smile the most were the roses and candles on our table.

I didn't knew Harry was such a romantic frog.

"Will we go home after this?" I asked as i tool a bite of my steak. He shakes his head as he looks at me with his pretty green eyes, saying

"Tired already? Or do you have some other plans - by which i mean in bed?" I blushed and shook my head not trusting my voice as he smirks smugly, "If so then tell me darling I'm eager to go home and accompany you in your 'bed plans'"

I gasped, "I'm thinking of no such plan Harry. I just thought our date is over here." He chuckled and shook his head as our waiter comes with our dessert.

"The date isn't over here love. We'll go one more place before we'll take over your plans of bed-"

"Shhhh alpha!"


It was getting late at night but i didn't cared as i rolled down the window, letting the cold air hit my face making my hair fly wild.

We were going down by a silent road which was surrounded by the trees on both side and it looks like we're going up a hill. He keeps on glancing at me as he drives with a smile on his face that i adore.

"We're here!" He says as he stops the car and before he could get out i was out of the car and gasping at the view. It looks like we're at the top and a bit forest side of the city.

The moon was shining brightly infront of us while the trees make a soft sound as they blow with air. The crickets were singing in the silent night and i heard Harry' raspy deep voice from behind me.

"How's the view love?"

"It's beautiful! Breathtaking - I can't imagine how it'll look during rain. Oh- Harry did you know i love forest?" I asked as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind and keeps his chin on my shoulder.

He hums, "I know. I read in your diary about how you love books, music and nature." I smiled and pecked his cheek as i whispered, "This was a perfect date Harry. Thank you so much."

He smiles and strokes his cheek against mine making me giggle, "Always baby."

We both looked at the moon that was shining in the dark night. The starts were twinkling and all i need tonight is a kiss under moonlight.

He sensed my need for his lips and turns me around and picks me up making me squeal as he places me on the hood of the car.

He keeps his hands on my waist as he stands in between my spread legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kiss softly and gently. After a moment, he leans forward resting his forehead against mine.

"This is the perfect example of a romantic date, Harry. I didn't knew you were such a Romantic frog!"

He smiled, "I am a roman- wait a minute what did you call me!" He looks at me wide eyes and i smirked saying, "I don't like to repeat myself, Mr styles!"

"Well you gotta repeat yourself, Mr styles. Because I'm about to tickle the words out of you!" I laughed loudly as he tickles my side making me kick my legs and hands trying to get his hands off me.

"Alpha stop!" I giggled loudly, my voice echoes throughout the silent night. He stops and grins at me, "That's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard!"

I blushed and grabbed his shirt collar as i pulled his face closer to me, "I'll show more beautiful sounds baby. Now kiss me alpha!"

He groans as he grabs my jaw and kisses me roughly at first making me moan at his tongue sliding over my lips.

He gets gentle as he softly gazes his lips over mine making me smile. "You're so beautiful my omega." He says as he keeps brushing his lips over mine as if he gets a different taste every time he tastes them.

I strokes the back of his head, his soft hair feeling nice against my fingers "So I've been told alpha." I mumbles and he takes my bottom lip between his teeth before letting it go and says,

"I'm willing to fck you right over here. Bend you over the car and hear your loud beautiful moans echoes throughout the forest."

I whimpered and pulled back, "It's cold here alpha. I'm not getting naked!" He chuckled at my pout and pecks my lips one more time before he sighs stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Louis, can i ask you something?" I nodded and he looks me in the eyes as he continued, "Did you...ever felt jealous of rose?"

I frowned but didn't hesitated in answering, "Never..."

"Not even when, your parents gave her most of their love and always put you behind?"

I shook my head, "No Harry. She was always there for me to fulfill the love they lacked of. I never felt alone..."

"Not even when, she bought good marks and topped the class while you were always an average student?"

I smiled, "She said marks are just numbers who think they can judge us but are actually fools!"

He smiled as he runs his knuckles over my cheek saying, "When they bought her a christmas gift as her favourite toys and gave you encyclopaedias on Christmas Eve even on your birthday?"

I looked down at my hands, fiddling with my fingers, "No, she always shared her toys with me."

"When, she gets to go on trips with her friends and you were forced to study?"

I peered up at him, "She told you all that?" He nods and rests his hands on my waist coming closer as he says,

"She told me all this while crying in my arms. She always tried to fight with your parents so they could treat you both equal but they just liked her more for her good grades. She cried in my arms saying how much she loves you and want nothing but good for you. How she wants you to feel every happiness in the world and never shed a single tear as long as she's alive she said she'll give you every happiness she can!"

I didn't realised i had tears running down my cheeks until he wipes them. I sniffed and wipes my nose as i said, "She was my reason to live. She cheered me up and made me feel good about myself even when my own parents put me down..."

"They don't deserve you Louis, you're so much more than just a good person. The sweetest and cutest of all and the most important, a honest and faithful omega. Who knows exactly how to be a good omega to his alpha and also a good Luna!"

I smiled at his words, "Thank you Harry. I can't do much- they're my parents and i love them anyway. No matter if they still don't trust me and blame me for rose' death i love them and will never stop..." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"My good omega, you're so smart baby!"

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