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"Yes, tall boy?"

"It's Harry Fcking Styles. I've put my men on work and told them to find juliet and keep an eye o-"

"You know the cops are doing the same thing..." Kyle says and i can hear the annoyance in his voice. I rolled my eyes, each every of his word annoys me.

"I am well aware that I'm doing exactly what cops are doing, just in a... private way. I want you to-"

He interrupts me again, "What do you want from me now? I thought informing you about juliet' absence was my last job!"

I took a deep breath trying hard not to yell out because right now I'm in need of help and this annoying frog is my only hope. Someone i can trust with Louis' safety...

"Listen, ken. This is very important-"

"It's, Kyle. And what's so important styles!"

"It's Louis' safety, i need your help with..."


"You see styles, at the end of the day you have to run to me for help!" Kyle says as he sits on the couch like he owns it. I rolled my eyes and wore my coat as i glanced at the watch.

"I'm trusting you that doesn't makes me weak, it means that you're not useless!" I said and went towards stairs.


Without answering him i went upstairs and went inside the bedroom. There he was sat with a frown on his pretty face dressed in a huge white jumper that is mine but he looks absolute angel in my clothes.

His sweats were rolled up from the bottom and his fuzzy socks were all making him look cute.

"Why are you sad, love?"

As he heard my voice, he looks up and pouts. "I don't want you to leave. Can't you attend this meeting online?"

I sighed as i sat down next to him. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and he immediately cuddled my side snuggling his face in my neck. "I have to be present there, baby. Don't worry I'll be back in twenty four hours! You have mum she'll be back from grocery shopping then there's kyle and I've even called Aaron, he's on his way here."

He looks at me with teary eyes, "You're not lying to me right? This is just a meeting, nothing serious right?" He asks and i felt like a piece of my heart is broken as his tears fall down.

I bought my hand up to his cheek, "Everything will be alright, baby. I'll make this a better and safe home for you and our pups."

He sniffs as i wiped his tears, "That means this is more than business!" I shook my head.

"You don't have to wor-"

"Why shouldn't i, when you're carrying this!"

I looked down and watched as he removes my gun from my coat inner pocket. I closed my eyes regretting keeping it there.

"It's... for safety-"

"No Harry! I don't want you to leave. The cops are doing their job so you don't have to sacrifice anything to keep me alive. Let ...it be, please." He cries and embraced him in my arms.

I stroked his head and kissed his soft chestnut hair. "I'm your Alpha, Louis. It is my responsibility to keep you safe and i can sacrifice anything to keep you and our pups safe. I'm doing this for you and our pups. This pack must be safe for everyone and most importantly, for you abd the heirs!"

He calmed down and pulled back wiping his tears with the back of his hand as he sniffs. "If... You're not back until next twenty four hours' I'll leave this house and look for you myself!"

I chuckled as i cupped his cheeks looking into those glossy blue eyes, "Okay baby. I'll try to be back sooner than you've told."

He nods ahd we both stood up. I kissed his forehead and patted his shoulder, "Take care and if Kyle acts up don't hesitate to kill him."

That made him giggle and it also made me feel alive. "See you." And then i leaned down pressing my lips onto his softly.

He sighed and kissed me back before he pulled and kiss my forehead. That's a first!

"Stay alive please ..."

"I will ..."

And i left to show those fckers who dared to hurt my omega and pups, what I'm really capable of.


I tucked my gun in my jeans and hide it under my shirt as i walked towards the farmhouse that Edward owns. I know they'll be here but god knows where they've sent Juliet.

*Knock knock*

I waited for few moments before i knocked again and the door was opened. "Yes, sir?"

It was a maid. "Can i meet Edward Styles?" I asked politely as i trued to keep my voice down.

The maid shook her head, "Sorry sir, but Mr Styles is not home. He's on a business trip."

I hummed, "Alright, is Layla home?" She nodded and i smiled, "Let me in darling, i have a very important work from my aunt!"

"Oh, sure sir!"

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