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Apologize to her! Beg her to forgive you...RIGHT NOW!

Harry's words ringed through my head, the memories flashing infront of my eyes like it was yesterday...

Like yesterday was the day i lost my sister and was accused of her murder, yesterday harry forced me sign marriage papers and pressurized me into mating him...

I kneeled down by her grave and kept the flowers on it. I looked at her name on the stone, Rose May Tomlinson.

"I miss you so much Rose. As soon as i stepped in this town all i could think is our childhood as i passed by those streets we spend most of our childhood running, playing, arguing and pranking on people."

I smiled as i remembered the time when we pranked on one lady and scared her with our dog but she ended up being mom' friend and we got grounded for three days!

I looked down at my hands, fiddling with my rings. "My life has changed so much since i went to New York. My relationship with Harry...is good now but i often get flashbacks of the times he has hurted me."

I looked at the roses on the grave, "With his words, that i still remember like yesterday. And i still haven't forgiven him from the depth of my heart. I don't know when i will or if i ever will..."

My voice turned down with each words and it was silence for few minutes. I sniffed as tears were pooling in my eyes as i remembered her beautiful face.

"I forgave Mom and Dad! I did it for... myself. I was tired of carrying this burden of guilt. So i just did as Anne suggested to do. I love them no matter what, they're my parents...my family and you've taught me well to not keep grudges against our own family. You've taught me to be independent, self confident, forgiving and caring for others as they are the qualities of a Luna!"

"Am i not your family?" His voice startled me and i jerked my head up looking around for him and turned to see him walking towards me.


He heard me. I can't ignore this topic anymore now. As he walks towards me i could feel my heart beat raise and i stood up slowly.

My hands sweaty when he stood infront of me, i looked him in his eyes and they were... sorrowful.

"You forgave your parents because they're your family but... Can't seem to forgive me even though I'm your Love." He states, staring in my eyes boldly he says those words making ne gulp.

"Harry, it's different thing-"

"Yes, i know it's different. You forgave them for mistreating you, not believing you and not standing up for you. From when you were a kid till now you've known them but still forgave them cause you know they're your parents and would never hurt you... But why not me?"

I looked down, "I still have a fear Harry. I'm scared that if i forgave you truly, then if anything happens in future and you don't believe me then?" I looked at him, his eyes were glossy and his eyebrows frowned.

"What if it's about our pups and you find me irresponsible and don't believe my words and something happens that tears us apart, what will i do them?" I said.

"I would never do anything to hurt you or our pups. I love you-"

"You loved Rose too." I whispered and watched as his eyes started to turn dark and his jaw clenched but i didn't cared of his anger.

"You loved her but still failed to protect he-" i gasped as he grabbed my arm and pulls be close so that our faces are inches away.

"You're doubting my loyalty? You think I can't protect my family? You're really blaming me for her death!" He says with gritted teeth and i tried to free my arm from his hold.

"You and i know this very well who's to be blamed for her death. And that person is already dead! I just don't want to recall whatever happened-"

"Then why don't you move on past those things, Louis. Forget them and forgive me! I love you and our pups, i would never ever leave you or hurt you." He says as he cups my cheeks and i held his hands removing it from my face.

"How can you expect me to forget everything Harry? You accused me of my sister's murder! You forced me to sigh marriage papers and fcking pressurized me into mating you!" I can't help it as tears flow down my cheeks and i snap at him the things i was holding in me for so long.

"You didn't believed me at all Harry. I begged you on my knees to believe me! Right here at this place," I pointed at Rose' grave, "you pushed me down and made me beg her for forgiveness when i did nothing to be forgiven for!"

He shakes his head and tries to touch my arm but i jerked his hand off me and stepped back. "Stop it. It's easier for you to say to forget whatever happen but i still remember every tear I've shred since the day she died."

"Louis, i was a fool please! I'm sorry-"

"Your apology won't fix anything Harry. My wounds are still open and fresh and everytime I'll visit this grave those wounds will be scratched and bleed like they'll remind me of what I've went through after she left us..."

My voice was breaking as my breathing picked up. His hands turned into a fists as he looks down, "We love eachother Louis... What do i have to do for your forgiveness?"

"I don't know Harry, I've been avoiding this talk myself!" I said as i shrugged wiping my face and rubbing my eyes.

"But we-"

"Yes we love eachother but that doesn't mean I'll support you in your bad works and forget what I've went through when you didn't loved me!" I said as i looked around and shook my head, "We're the pack leaders Harry. We have to keep our hands clean to run this pack abd protect our people."

"My hands are not dirty-"

"Don't make me remind you what you really are Harry." I looked at him in his eyes that showed frustration, anger and helplessness! If it could be expressed by one glance i would know what he feels deep inside but he looks away.

"So you hate me for what i am and what I've done."

I walked over to him and cupped his jaw as i lifted his head and his green eyes met mine... The ones I've fallen in love with but still they're the same I once feared to death.

"I love you Harry... but don't think that I've forgiven you for what you've done to me and I'm not talking about her death. I'm talking about the things you've done to me and my omega, after Rose' death."

He wraps his arms around my waist, "I promise you Louis. One day you'll forgive me and then there will be nothing pulling you back in our dark past anymore."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest as i sighed, "I hope I'm able to forget those memories Harry..."

I really hope I'm able forgive him without putting myself down. Without having any regrets or guilt, i just want a future with happiness and happy memories.

I'm scared of the time I'll tell my kids how i got married to their father... But i can't change the past.

Neither can he.

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