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Harry steps out of the car and closes the door behind him. He didn't looked at me even for a second...he just left to see his omega get burried.

I looked at my hands that were shaking not from cold but from fear. The fear of facing all those people who think i killed my sister... Rose.

I looked at the ring on my finger, it wasn't the same ring that Rose and Harry picked together for the wedding. This was different, simple and meaningless.

How can i word my life?

I married an alpha who was supposed to be my sister's mate but she died in a car accident of which i happen to be the one driving...so they blame me.

I looked up when i heard a knock on my window. I rolled down the window when i saw it was David... Harry's cousin brother!

"The funeral will start any moment." He says, his eyes showing sorrow. My omega whimpers at the thought of funeral...of Rose.

"I... I don't wanna come out. They all...hate me." I said, keeping my eyes low and my hands wrapped around myself.

"Not all of them, Louis. There are some who believe you, this moment won't come back again. Don't you wanna say final goodbye to Rose?" He says as he gives me a soft smile that didn't reached his eyes.

"I already did..." I mumbled and rubbed my eyes as i took a deep breath. I hold the door and slowly opened it. David hold it open for me as i stepped out.

The cold breeze hit my warm skin giving me goosebumps. I looked towards the people, my family and friends who don't even want me here anymore.

"Think about your sister... how'd she feel when she see you in her last moment." David says as he softly keeps his hand on my lower back urging me to step forward.

I looked at the people's back and found out the familiar head of curls at the very front.

"Can i stay at the back?" I asked as i looked at him and he frowned. "You won't be able to see anything..." He says.

"Exactly... I'll stay here. You can go ahead!" I gave him a assuring smile and he nodd going to the from while i stayed at the back so none of my family or Harry can see me.

The rituals started and I kept my eyes on the ground till the very last moment. I kept my head down as the people stood up. I stood up but didn't lift my head up as i was scared I'll meet some pair of eyes that'll make me regret getting out of car.

Suddenly the rain drops started falling and everyone opened their umberallas as if they knew it would happen. I kept my head down as my head was getting soaked with the rain and my black suit was soaked as well.

Everyone slowly started leaving, means the ceremony has ended. I waited until a group of people began to leave so i could sneak out behind him and couldn't be seen.

But I failed when my arm was grasped making me stop in one place. I looked back to meet those blue eyes of my father. My mother was standing next to him under the umbrella, looking at me with hatred?


"Call me Mark. It's Mark for you. I had my daughter and i lost her. The only child i had is now gone because of you. You don't deserve to even attend this funeral." He says each word with hate and anger.

I kept my head down, standing in the heavy rain not caring to even cover my head. I didn't said a word cause I've already explained myself enough. No one would listen to me they all are blinded by the love of their lovely Rose as if she meant nothing to me.

As if she never was my will to live...

"I hope this is the last time we get to see your face. Alpha Harry will make sure of it..."

And fck that hurts to hear from your mother. The only one who would believe you even if the whole world won't...but the same person is telling me they hope to not see my face again.

They left and i thought i was all alone but no...he was there too. He was standing by the grave of his love. I looked at his back as i thought of the moment when he signed the marriage papers and vowed to ruin my life and make it a living hell.

His assistant was standing beside him holding the umbrella for him. He has everything he could ever ask for, money, fame, a pack that'll love him as a leader and his parents that believe and trust him no matter if the whole world was against him.

But he doesn't have his omega, his love...

I looked down and turned to leave. As i was walking - quiet fast- to reach the car i heard him call my name...more like my omega.


I stopped before the car and looked at him over my shoulder. His back was still facing me, his assistant was now looking at me.

"Alpha Harry?"

Is it important and respectful to add an 'alpha' before the future pack alpha' name. And we all respect that. i watched as he turned and now he was facing me.

Even tho there was a long distance between us i could hear him very clearly. Even over the noise of rain that was slowing down.

"Won't you say your final goodbye to Rose..."

I took a deep breath as my legs automatically started walking towards him. Fck this Alpha voice that makes any omega submit onto their knees.

I walked until i was standing before him and the grave of my sister. I looked at the ground and my tears were getting mixed with the rain falling on my face.

I gasped softly when I felt him grab my nape and make me lift my head so our eyes meet. I looked into his cold dark green eyes, his stone cold face expression that doesn't changes.

"You see this grave. Do you feel the pain that I'm going through right now?" His voice was bold and sharp making me lower my eyes when tho he's holding my head up.

"Answer me!"

"N-no Alpha..."

"Don't you think you deserve to feel this pain as well? Do you think you deserve any kind of happiness after what you did to Rose? Do you think you can live happily after KILLING MY OMEGA!"

I whimpered and my legs went weak as i falls down to my knees infront of him. His voice was still ringing in my head making me cover my face and sob.

"She cared for you so much! So fcking much, she always put you before herself. She always bought the things you like before she look something for herself. And look what she got in return!" He yells at me and i looked down as i sobbed infront of him.

Weak and helpless...

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