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I snuggles my nose in his tummy as i stroked his thighs. He frowns in his sleeps and turns around facing away from me making me pout.

"My pretty pretty Omega." I mumbled as i stroked the curve of his back. He was feeling cold at night so he wore my shirt and his shorts. I lifted his shirt and kissed his back.

He purrs as i trailed kisses from his shoulder blades to the dimple of his back. His smooth warm skin feeling soft against my lips as i turn him around so he's laying on his back.

I kissed the tiny bump, so small it's not even evident yet. "My beautiful pups, i love you so much already... I can't wait till i have you in my arms and I can kiss your tiny dainty hands and your pretty soft cheeks!"

I grinned as i stroked his tummy with my cheek and kept on planting kisses on his skin. I'm so excited to meet my pups... And today we'll go for ultrasound.

"Wake up pretty baby..." I said as hovered over him and he hides his face grumbling.

I leaned down kissing his neck making him groan and grab my hair, "Please lemme sleep some more love." He whispered not opening his eyes.

"We have to go for ultrasound babyboy." As soon as i said that he opens his eyes and immediately sits up making his head bump into mine.


"Let's go-"

"Wait wait- we have to get gresh, dressed and then!" I said as we both sat up. He looks at clock and then back at me with a pout, "It's so early!"

I nodded and wrapped my arms around him pulling him towards me making him straddle my lap. "Yes we have two hours until the appointment."

He wraps his arms around me, "And can we visit the graveyard after the ultrasound?"

I nodded, "Ofc!" He leans forward resting his forehead against mine.
"And then have lunch at our restaurant, the one you met rose for the first time."

He grins, "Yes..." Last night he told me how his parents came and they sorted out things. I'm happy for him!

He leans closer and our lips brush together but none of our kissed. "And then we'll roam around our town, meet our people!"

I smiled and cupped his cheeks, "As you say my love..."


"How do i look?" He turns to face me to show me his outfit that way, some bagy pants and a navy blue crochet pattern sweater that gave him sweater paws.

He pushed his hair back and is even wearing blush. "You look gorgeous my love." I kissed his forehead as he hugs me.

"Let's go, Anne said breakfast is ready and that Prince can't wait to meet us!"

"Oh yeah Prince!" He was at mum' friend' house for few days after the party but now he's back.


"The breakfast is delicious mum!" Louis says and i hummed agreeing as i sipped my tea. I prefer coffee but Louis likes tea so he gave me once and i couldn't deny it because he has made it specially for me.

Since then i love it.

"Thanks love!" Anne smiled.

"Hey pretty boy, i see you're ready for the day!" Louis says and pets prince who was sitting right next to him. Not leaving him since he saw him.

"Good morning..." Juliet' quiet voice made us look towards the door where she stood. Fiddling with her hands looking shy.

"Morning." I mumbled.

"Good morning love, please have a seat." Louis says and Anne started serving her breakfast as she walks towards the seat next to her.

After a few minutes she said, "I'll be leaving after breakfast. I don't want to trouble yo-"

"No no, love. You're not a trouble to us!" Anne said immediately and Louis nodded looking at Juliet who looks at her plate.

"You can stay here as long as you want and i suggest you do because Edward is still out there and it's dangerous for you." Louis says.

I watched as juliet glanced at me then looks at Louis, "I want to leave... I've talked to one of my friend and I'll stay with them until Edward is caught."


I interrupted Louis, "Are you sure your friend' place is safe for you?" I asked Juliet and she nods looking in my eyes she says, "I'll be safe there."

I looked at Louis who frowns looking at me, "Let her go if she's sure it's a safe place for her. We can't force her to stay here, it's her choice if she wants to leave. So let her be!" He stares at me for a brief moment before looking back at Juliet.

"If you need anything, any help don't hesitate to call me. Okay?"

She nods with a small smile, "Yes Louis. Thank you for letting me stay the night, I don't know how I'll return your favour-"

"Just stay out of trouble that'll be it!" I said and Louis gave me a stern glance before he smiles at her making me jealous.

Why does he have to be so sweet with everyone!

"Don't think that we did a favour on you, you're a part of our pack which makes you our family. And there are no favours in family, no thank yous or sorry but i do want you to stay in touch!"

She smiles, "Ofc Louis."

Urg, i still don't like her.


"You were rude to her!" Louis says as i started driving towards the hospital. I sighed knowing he'd bring it up.

"I wasn't being rude i was just less interactive with her or you can say less nice?"

He shakes his head looking forward, "That's the same thing. She was abused Harry, and let's not forget Edward even killed his brother -"

"So what!" I said as i glanced at him, "Edward hurted you as well. She was used by him and it's not our fault! We can't do anything to fix it and we can definitely not bring his brother back by being nice to her!"

He looks at me with wide eyes, "How can you say that! The least we can do is be nice to her. It wasn't our fault she lost his brother but it's not her fault Edward hurt me!"

I groaned as i held my forehead keeping my eyes on road, "I don't know why you're feeling so sorry for her!"

"Because she's innocent and she's a part of our pack Harry! She's our responsibility. This pack is our responsibility, we have to keep this place save for everyone but guess what happened!"

He turned to face me fully, "She lost his brother, and i nearly lost my life!"

I looked at him, "Are you trying to say it's our fault whatever happened?" I watched his jaw clenched and his eyes turned furious.

"I don't mean to say that, you're not understanding what I'm saying!"

I looked forward, "How about we both shut the fck up, arguing over some cheap foolish girl is not something we do-"

"Stop the car."

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