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"Stop it both of you!"

I stumbled back as i looked at Mom and Dad. They were standing there looking at me with disappointment. "Mom-"

"Harry, you seriously think fighting will solve everything? You really want to do such things in this moment when your omega is fighting for his life in there!"

I lowered my head as she yelled at me and Kyle immediately said, "I'm sorry Luna." I sat down and didn't said anything as i laced my fingers and waited for the doctor.

I heard my mom sit next to me and placed her hand on my back, "Calm down Harry. Our Louis is very strong and brave, nothing will happen to him!"

I rubbed my eyes as i whispered, "I just want him to be alright mom. We have...so many things to do yet! We have to watch our pups grow, we have roam around the world together! Grow old together and I... don't wanna lose him."

She hugged me as i broke down in her arms. "I know Harry. Have faith, he'll be alright." I just wish our lives get back to normal soon. I'm tired of fighting life, fighting with our own family members.

But one thing's for sure, I won't let that person live whoever hurt my Luna...


"How is he doctor?" I asked as he walks out of the room after about forty minutes. He removes his mask and looks at my parents then at me.

"He was poisoned..."

My hands clenched into tight fists as i tried to control myself. My heart was hurting at the thought of losing him. "I-is he alright now?" I asked with shaky voice.

He sighed and nodded that gave me a bit relief. "He's out of danger now. We have removed the poison before it could affect the pups. You bought him here on time that helped us save him as well as the pups!"

I sighed and nodded, "When will he wake up?"

He glanced at everyone who was happy that he's fine as well as the pups. "Uh i have to talk to you for a moment. Please follow me."

I frowned and glanced at mom, "I'll be back." I said and followed the doctor to his office.

He sat down in his chair and showed me an X-ray report. "Luckily we saved the pups but...the poison has affected his health and because of which I'm afraid he might...not be able to have children after this."

My throat felt dry and my face paled. "I-is there no chance?"

He shook his head, "I'm sorry Mr styles. He might have to go through the c-section during delivery. His body is weak and it can't bear any more pain."

I nodded, "Is there anything else?"

He shook his head and stood up, "We'll admit him to a seperate room as oer your request. Hopefully he'll wake up till morning. For now he's resting."

I nodded, "The pups are healthy right?" I asked and he patted my shoulder, "Yes Mr styles. But your omega is not healthy. Take care of him."

"Yes... I will."


"Yea mom. Don't worry about him. I'll explain everything to you at home, now go home and have rest. I'll stay with him here. Doctor said he'll wake up till morning." I said as my mom gives me a hug.

"Okay, Harry. But take care!"

"And call us if you need anything. We'll be here in the morning to see him. And don't worry I've taken care of the party. Let's go Anne." Dad and mom left after that.

I sighed and went inside the room. As soon as my eyes fell on Kyle, who was right beside louis' bed, i groaned. "I think you should go home it's pretty late now!"

He looks at me, "What did doctor said in his office?" I didn't met his eyes and went towards the either side of louis' bed.

His face was pale and his messy hair all over his forehead. I pulled the duvet up to his chest and said, "That's none of your business."

"Harry te-"

"Kyle, I don't have any more energy to fight with you. Please leave us alone." I said with a low and soft voice looking at him.

He sighed and stood up. "I'll be here in the morning to meet him and what're you gonna do about finding the person who poisoned him?"

I nodded, "I've informed the Cops and they have sealed the place. They're investigating and doing their job. Good night Ken."

He rolled his eyes, "Alright, Harvey!"

I walked him to the door as he steps out. "And, " he turns to face me as i said, "Thank you for... Helping me bring him here on time."

He nodded, "Your welcome Mr styles, I'll be happy to save your omega whenever you're not avail-"

"Alright, shut up and leave." I closed the door in his face. I took a deep breath as i went towards the bed and sat down on the stool next to it.

I looked at his face, relaxed and calmed. I gently pushed back his hair from his forehead and stroked his cheeks. "I'm so sorry Louis."

I leaned down and kissed his forehead as i signed closing my eyes, "I failed to protect you ... I'm so sorry my omega."


It was six in the morning when my phone ranged and i woke up. I looked at Louis peacefully sleeping, he still hasn't woken up yet. I looked at my phone and went outside to take it when i saw it's the cop who's investing the case.


"Hello Mr styles. We've found no trace of food that's poisonous but..."

I rubbed my forehead, "But what?" I heard some mumbles on the other side of phone before i heard the cop' voice again.

"We've found something suspicious on the CCTV footage. I've sent a copy of it to you, have a look at that. Call me after it." And with that he hangs up.

I looked at the messages and found the video he sent me. I clicked on it to see that it was the entrance gate footage.

It looks like the start of the party where Layla and Edward can be seen with a huge box in hand going inside. Then the footage switches to the end of party where they've been seen leaving empty handed.

I frowned, "This means nothi-" i stopped when i saw that at the very last when everyone left. Juliet can be seen with the exact same box Layla and Edward has bought.

The thing that made my eyes widened were, that the box was opened and she leaves with it while glancing around trying not to get caught. The label of the box can be seen with the things inside it and,

It was a box full of cake!

"Juliet, I'll fcking kill you."

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