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I ran my fingers through my wet hair as i stepped back in the room. I looked around as everything was the same, everywhere broken pieces of mirror and vase and a broken lamp by the bathroom door.

I let the anger took over me again...

I signed as i looked at the bed, and there he was. Curled in a ball, soft snores can be heard as i carefully stepped closer to him.

I tightened the robe around my body as i had just showered from the other room and came in to get dressed.

His face was relaxed, his cheeks were rosy from crying. The tip of his nose was pink and i reached out to brush his soft hair away from his forehead.

I signed as i stepped back, his lips were wet. His eye lashes were casting a shadow over his cheekbones. His beautiful blue eyes were hidden.

No matter how beautiful a person is, they are always judged by the things they did.

And he took my rose away from me. No matter what anyone says or try to reason out, i know he killed her...

Yes that's right!

I shook my head as i carefully walked towards the closet. I called a maid and ordered her to clean up the room without making any noise.

I walked in the closet as the maid started cleaning up. I grabbed my white shirt which had navy blue Flamingos printed on it and wore it. After wearing some pants i grabbed my watched and wore it as i looked at the time.

It's time to leave this place!

I don't ever wanna come back here, I don't want these memories to haunt me back. Those nightmares to haunt me down... Never!

I opened the drawer of my cupboard and looked at the picture i teared in half last night. I picked it up as i gazed into those blue eyes.

"I need to forget her... But you make it so damn hard for me. These blue eyes," i whispered as i traced his eyes in the picture as he was happen to be whining at something that made crinkles fall by his eyes as he as his cheek was being pulled. That graduation cap on his made was looking too big for him.

"reminds me of her every single time i look into them but these..." I traced those thin lips that i couldn't seem to get enough, "They taste so much different than hers. It's like drugs, " i sighed and kept the picture in the inner pocket of my blazer and wore it.

"I'm addicted to it..." I shook my head as i walked out to find the whole room cleaned. The broken mirror stood there glaring back at me. I'll have someone fix this later on but i don't think I'll ever see this room again.

I looked back at the bed and found him laying on his stomach. Duvet halfway over his tiny frame. I walked over to him and stood by his side as i softly, and gently stroked his cheeks with my knuckles.

He frowns in his sleep and takes a deep breath. I can hear him purr when he smells my hand and starts snuggling his face into it. A smile tugged my lips but i bit it down as i softly called him out.

"Omega, wake up."

I don't take his name because it just rolls of so soft and smoothly through my lips it almost makes me wanna keep calling him.

Omega is good!

"Wake up!" I said louder and softly shook him. He groans and rubbed his face as he turns his back to me. He yawns and stretched his arms high making his shirt rid up showing off his smooth abdomen.

I wanna run my hand-

"Alpha?" He says with a frown as he wakes up sitting straight. I cleared my throat as i took a step back.

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