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"Well, it looks like i came on the right time!"

My face paled and my hands turned cold as i turned to face David standing behind us holding his gun so casually as if it won't just end a life.

I looked at harry as he came and stood infront me protectively as he growled at david, "What do you want david?"

I watched as david smirks as his eyes meet mine, "The pack which will be mine once I'll kill you and the beauty behind you!"

Mu jaw clenched as i glared at him. I risked my life to kill him and here he is standing as if nothing happened. I looked at Harry and found something perking out of his shirt which happened to be a gun tucked in his jeans.

"That you'll never get. The thing that you're about to get is death!" And with that they both jumped on eachother growling making me step back.

I watched as harry threw hard punches at david who looks unaffected by them and kicks him in the crotch making harry fall on ground.

I looked around to find something as a weapon but found nothing but sand. I looked around and towards the cliff that i fell off.

"How fcking dare you hurt my omega!" I heard harry yell and i turned to see him hitting david' face again and again until he passed out. His gun was lying next to him as blood was everywhere.

I looked at harry, his jaw clenched face and hands covered in blood. His eyes shining red in rage. Once he saw david wasn't making any moment, he stops.

He looks at me and his eyes softens. I didn't knew i was crying until he comes up to me and cups my cheeks wiping my tears, "Don't cry Louis. He's no more. He can't hurt us anymore!"

I hugged him tightly sobbing in his chest as i said, "I tried to kill him harry but he escaped. I'm afraid more people like him will come after us."

He rubs my back as he kissed my head, "And i will not hesitate to hurt each and every one of them who even try to get close to my precious luna..."

I breathe in his scent as i calmed down and whispered, "I love you harry. I'm so lucky to have you as my mate."

I can hear his smile in his voice as he says, "I love y-"

I flinched when i heard a gunshot. I screamed as i held onto Harry's torso while the gun shoot twice again.

Then it was silence. My breathing started to pick up as i slowly lifted my head. I looked at harry...and his body fall down in my feet.

My wide eyes stare at the bullets that just cut through his body on his shoulder blades. His face was down on the sand as his eyes closed...

I lost him.

"He's a good fighter i must say..."

I looked up at david as he wipes the blood off his chin and looks at harry. Waving his gun in air he says, "Nice to see him dead at last!"

My hands clenched into tight fists as i looked at the man that just killed my alpha. His eyes met mine and he smirks as he says, "You should be happy I killed him! Now you don't have anyone to cry for. You don't have anyone now Louis... I took the only one you had away from you!"

All i could see was red. Red blood that i want from him. I want to make him suffer and hurt him just like he hurt my alpha...

"No matter what happens, I'll always be his Luna..."  I said as i kneeled down infront of Harry's body. My hands on his back as david laughs throwing his head back.

He did a big mistake. Putting down his guards around me. An omega who just lost his alpha!

"You will pay for this!" I grabbed the gun that was tucked in Harry's jeans. I looked up as the monster was still laughing like a pathetic alpha.

Without hesitation i lifted the gun pulled the trigger and started shooting. My blood red eyes watched as he cries in pain when the bullets cut through his chest and his heart.

I kept on shooting until the bullets ends and his body falls on the ground in the puddle of his own blood.

My breathing was heavy as i stated at him body in rage.


I heard kyle' voice and I looked back to see a boat coming towards us. I let the gun go and looked at Harry's body. With shaky hands i turned him so he laid on his back.

My vission was blurry as i blinked back the tears and his face was visible to me. His eyes closed lips parted and sand over his cheek.

I dusted the sand off his cheek with shaky hands as i held on his hand. "I-i killed him harry... I" i kept my head on his chest as i hugged him, "I did for us..."

"We're safe now harry... We're safe."

And i got no response back. His cold hands held in my warm ones. I hugged his lifeless body as i closed my eyes and finally letting out my tears and sobs.

Crying my heart out on the lifeless body of my mate.

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