Reckoning In The West

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Bit short, bit boring, but just building up on what's about to come :')


At this point, Arthur has been staying for a few days in the big blue house. He was relaxing on the front porch, watching, and feeling the fresh air while sipping his coffee. Just enjoying the peaceful time he's got left before... everything goes to shit.

Suddenly, Jesse exits through the front door, next to where Arthur is sitting. He was fixing his satchel and looked like he was ready to go somewhere.

"You goin' on a busy day, cowboy?" Arthur asks, taking another sip on his coffee.

Jesse chuckles, "Yeah, just some... important stuff with the mayor."

Arthur raises both brows, like he's impressed, "You seem friends with the mayor, huh?"

"Well, yeah, I saved his life from the previous mayor, Lemieux? Remember him from that garden party?" Jesse asked as he grabs some carrots and fruits from the small greenhouse next to the house.

Arthur nods as he follows Jesse to continue the conversation, "Yeah? What about him?"

"Well, Jean-Marc, the current mayor was Lemieux's assistant when he was mayor, but he was corrupt, and Jean-Marc threatened to tell the police. So, Lemieux asked me to kill him." Jesse explained as he continued to pick some more healthy snacks.

"And you didn't, I see that. So now, he's helping you out?" Arthur continued to ask as well.

"Well, we help each other out, to be fair." Jesse sighs as he finishes picking, "I'm gonna ask about Aiden's adoption." He sighs as they both exit the greenhouse.

Arthur tilts his head, "Why? I thought you just took him under your wing or something?"

Jesse shrugs, "Yeah, but Jessica's worried that Aiden's real parents would turn up and charge us with kidnapping or somethin' so, I'm just gonna get some legal adoption papers from the mayor." Arthur gives him a look, "Look, I explained to her that we were also street children who were taken by Hosea and Dutch but, you know, Jessica's not an outlaw, and she really loves this kid, and doesn't wanna get in trouble for doing so." He said that in one breath like he's explaining a crime to Arthur. He then sees Jessica and Aiden exit the house, "Oh, there they are." He says as he walks back to them with Arthur.

Arthur bows his head a bit to greet Jessica and the boy as they walk towards their horses.

Arthur just laughs loudly and puts down his mug, "Yeah, I getcha. Go on, get your things done... I'll be here takin' your place for a day. Goodluck, all of ya."

Jesse chuckles, "Yeah, yeah... see ya Arthur." He says as he waves to him as he enters the house and Jesse mounts Leon after patting and feeding him... He waits for Jessica to mount her horse with Aiden in front of her. "Ready?" He asks.

"Mhm... Ready, honey." Jessica confirms.

Jesse smiles then snaps his reigns, followed by Jessica. The ride was not long as the mayor's house or office was not far. When they make it, Jesse dismounts first and hitches Leon before hitching Jessica's horse. He soon lifts Aiden off the horse first, then Jessica, grabbing her by the waist and putting her down on the ground.

"After marriage, you're still a gentleman." She giggles.

He chuckles as well, "What? Like it's supposed to change me?" He kisses her cheek before entering the mayor's courtyard, the guards giving him a nod, and Jesse does the same to them.

They were greeted by the maids and the host assisted them to sit at the living room as they wait for Jean-Marc. Jesse and Jessica sat next to each other while Jessica put Aiden on her lap.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now