Who The Hell Is Leviticus Cornwall?

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A few days later, Jesse was hanging out by the kitchen and Arthur was checking up on John. He sees Dutch enter John's cabin with the plan in his hand and decided he's follow.

"Arthur, I think it's time for the train." Dutch started.

"You want me to come?" John weakly asked.

Dutch wants to but obviously, it would be a bad idea.

"I was always ugly, Dutch, it's just a scratch." John protested as he tries to stand up, being stubborn as always.

"Lie still, son." just then, Abigail and Jack enters the cabin, Jack runs straight towards Jesse but kept his eyes on John. "Hello Abigail, Jackie."

"The boy wanted to see ya, John." Abigail said.

Jack looked up at Jesse and he gestured Jack to approach his father. Jesse looked at Arthur to remind him that he'll be getting ready outside.

He went straight to Leon and fed him "Sorry boy, haven't been feeding you all that much, we'll get over this."

Suddenly, Dutch and Arthur walks out of the cabin, Dutch tells Bill to ride ahed and set the charge and then approach the horses. Then Hosea approached the men, looking all worried.

"Why are we doin' this? Weather's breaking, we could leave. I-I thought we was lying low?" Hosea asked.

"What do you want from me Hosea?" Dutch asks,  annoyance evident in his face.

While the two older men start to discuss, Arthur and Jesse start to have their own conversation.

"Ya kept the braids?" Arthur teased.

"Oh will you stop it about the braids, Jack likes, I like it, why would I get rid of it."

"Calm down cowboy, I'm just playin'. Say, I realized you lost your hat?" Arthur points out.

"Yeah, somewhere near the other country by now, atleast the hat gets to leave freely."

"Yeah, I know. I got you that hat, when you were?"

"I think, 15? Yeah. I loved it, but can't control some things."

"I can just buy you a new one." Arthur offered.

"Nah, I can buy that myself, but you can give me that badass jacket."

"Nah boy, I ain't giving up that jacket."


Suddenly, Hosea mentions something that got the two men's attention.

"Leviticus Cornwall's no joke, Dutch, he's..."

"Who is Leviticus Cornwall?" Jesse and Arthur asked in unison, then looked at each other, then Hosea.

"He's a big railway magnate, sugar dealer, oil man." then Dutch interrupts him.

"Well how good for him. Sounds like he has more than enough to share."

"Dutch!" Hosea tried to protest but Dutch ignored him to make the announcement.

"Gentlemen, it is time to make something of ourselves!" he starts walking towards his horse. Arthur and Jesse nods sympathetically at Hosea and follows after. "Get your horses ready, we hava train to rob!" he mounted his horse and others followed.

They made it out of Colter. Dutch brainstorms the information provided by the O'driscolls. The train will be coming North, from Big Valley. He gave assignments to each member. Charles as lookout. Dutch'll take the driver and engineer. Lenny and Javier take the front cars. Arthur, Micah and Jesse head straight for the back, Cornwall's private car.

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