We Loved Once And True

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Few days after. Jesse has stayed in camp doing his usual chores. Chopping wood, feeding the horses, getting water. Keeping his distance from Jack as well, he didn't want to take John's place as his father. He never wanted that. He loved the boy, but he needs to realize that John is his father, and John needs to realize that Jack is in fact his son. He also spoke to Abigail about this, just to not make the problem bigger and she understood the situation.

As for Arthur, he had been doing errands for the gang, mostly for Strauss and his money lending business. Jesse thanked the Lord that Arthur didn't invite him to the Downe's ranch. The way Arthur described the sick man, made Jesse feel sick in his stomach, and slightly ruined his day that Strauss actually let that happen, but what can you do?

They also find out from Lenny that Micah was in jail in Strawberry. They could care less but Dutch insists that Arthur should rescue him. They took the boy in Valentine to have a quiet time. That was last night. Woke up with a headache but needed to work for the day.

Jesse finished his chores but it was still early and before noon. He walks up to Arthur's tent and sees him sitting on his cot, reading a letter. Looking troubled.

"You okay?" Jesse asked.

He didn't respond for a moment and Jesse called him again.

"Huh? Yeah, fine." Arthur said, looking up from the letter.

"You look like someone punched you in the gut." Jesse commented and he leaned on the wooden rod. There was a short silence, until Arthur spoke up again.

"I feel like it. It's Mary... She uh... She sent me a letter." He said, giving the letter for Jesse to read.

Nothing very interesting, just some regrets and missing Arthur and other stuff like being unlucky and such. He silently reads further and she mentioned that she's renting a room at Chadwick Farm, north of Valentine. He folds the letter and gives it back to Arthur and he sighs.

"I mean, what you wanna do?" Jesse asked.

Arthur shrugged "I don't know." he said.

"She obviously wants to talk... Maybe give her a chance?" Jesse suggested "Either way, whatever you decide, I have no say in this... Just support."

"Thanks." Arthur said "Well, I'm goin' there. You ride with me, if she ain't asking for much, we can get a drink after." Arthur said.

"Sure." Jesse replied and both men made their way to the hitching posts of their horses. Again, brushing them, feeding then mounting.

They ride towards North of Valentine where Mary said she'd be. The ride was silent. Like Arthur is thinking what he's about to say to his former lover. Jesse let him have his moment and just followed the man.

They arrive at Chadwick farm. Arthur gave Jesse a look as if to say that he should stay back. Jesse obliged and went behind the big house. Arthur knocked on the door. A woman opened the door and Arthur called for Ms. Linton. Moments later, Mary was in front of Arthur.

As for Jesse, he leaned on one of the windows, not noticing a woman painting behind it. Jesse opened his book to occupy himself while waiting for Arthur. Also silently planning on how they'll save Sean later. Not long after, the window behind him opened, which startled him a moment and looked behind him and he's met with the girl in Valentine... But slightly irritated. She had not yet focused on him completely but she started scolding him blindly.

"I would really appreciate it if you move mister, it's very hard to paint the view, if you're blo-" she cuts herself off and notices Jesse. "You." she said, with an expression Jesse couldn't read.

Jesiah | A Red Dead Redemption II x OCs InsertWhere stories live. Discover now